WG Plus Weekly Newsletter

We’re constantly seeking to improve and enhance our service to subscribers, the best example being our weekly WG Plus Newsletter roundup every Monday which provides a summary of all the top stories from the previous 7 days, researched links to related sites and information. 

Other Regular Weekly Sections

Our weekly service also keeps all users up to speed with links to the latest policy statements & initiatives, guidance, consultations, reports, publications, UK and EU legislation, forthcoming conferences, exhibitions and events.

Industry News

Our recently launched Industry News section has been created to providing the WiredGov communities with all the latest from public sector solution providers, including case studies, white papers, contract awards, Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and success stories from public sector trading agencies.

Further value added services will be launched during 2014…

Public Procurement, Reinvented by AI - A Direct Response to UK Gov's AI Opportunities Action Plan