industry news Wednesday 17 Feb 2021 @ 09:30 Data Security: Controlling Classified Information in the UK Public Sector


The inevitable and inexorable rise in the levels of remote and home working during the current pandemic is placing extraordinary pressure on every public sector organisation’s cybersecurity. And wherever there is upheaval, so cyber criminals thrive. Naturally, an increase in cyber-threats puts all organisations at a heightened risk of a data breach, the average cost of which is also on the rise, with large-scale incidents resulting in the exposure of millions of data records.

About Government Protective Markings:

Government protective markings or classification systems are designed to help determine, and indicate to others, the levels of protection required to prevent the compromise of valuable or sensitive information. The markings signal quickly and unambiguously, the value of data and the level of protection it requires. 

Download this latest guide, which examines the UK classification policy and looks at how data classification and data loss prevention software can help secure sensitive data in the public sector.


Since 2010, the ICO has handed out 216 fines totalling £23.5m.

Of the 110 penalties for data breaches, the public sector is responsible for a total of 60.

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