industry news Tuesday 18 Feb 2020 @ 11:57 Leading by Example - Nottingham City Council Energy Services

The public sector is facing change on an unprecedented scale. But with change comes an opportunity to adapt and refine the way services are delivered. Energy presents a great opportunity to help control spend, create local jobs and investment opportunities and meet climate change responsibilities.

The energy revolution

Nottingham City Council is a leading organisation in the energy revolution; generating green energy and installing and developing the latest technology to reduce energy consumption.

The council’s award winning Energy Services is the driving force behind this activity, delivering projects that ensure the council and our customers have access to a secure and affordable energy supply; reducing operational costs, risks and environmental impacts.

Under the pathway set out in the Government’s recent Clean Growth Strategy to meet the UK’s fourth and fifth carbon budgets, the public sector will need to cut its current emissions levels in half over the next 15 years. The public sector can – and should – show other sectors what is possible. Collective action at scale helps to shift the market for more sustainable products and services: building skills, cutting costs, and pushing private sector organisations into making similar changes themselves.

Energy Services are a leading public sector organisation in terms of energy efficiency and energy generation. We offer your organisation ...

Decades of experience of working within public sector organisations

Expert knowledge of public sector finance options

Best value solutions

Tried and tested cutting edge low carbon technologies

We are managing the delivery of energy projects, programmes and services across the UK. Whether you are looking to save money, improve your environmental impact, or increase energy security we develop energy solutions for your organisation.

Contact us:

For general enquiries and an informal chat, call us on 0115 9556677
Alternatively, email us at 

Or simply visit our website to find out more 

Office hours Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm


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