industry news SME profile Wednesday 23 Mar 2016 @ 10:18 The Workplace Wellbeing Charter, National Award for England

     The Workplace Wellbeing Charter, National Award for England

This is an opportunity for employers to show that they are committed to the health and well-being of their workplace. Support is available to help businesses gain a workplace accreditation. Information about the accreditation including a free self-assessment tool can be found on the national website for Workplace Wellbeing.

 Listening to Your Voice Ltd was established as a business to work with clients to improve the wellbeing of employers and employees who are having challenges which are either professional or personal or both.  The founder, Ruth Pearson, has had over twenty-five years experience in the education sector including the role of a Deputy Headteacher in a secondary school. She trained as a counsellor and now is a qualified coach with the Coaching Standard Authority. 

Are your employees engaged and motivated?

The positive impact that looking after your staff can have on their health and wellbeing is well documented. It lowers absence rates and results in fewer workplace accidents.

Looking after your staff:

  • Increases productivity
  • Improves communication
  • Creates a better work-life balance
  • Delivers a happier work environment.

We deliver the following services to improve the engagement, motivation and wellbeing of staff.

  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Motivational Speaking
  • Bespoke Training
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership Development
  • Educational Development

Click here to visit the website to find out more about how we can help your business improve the wellbeing of staff.


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