NHS: A Safer NHS? – According to government figures, there has been a fifteen-fold increase in the number of prosecutions against those who physically assault NHS staff. During 2004/05 there were 759 prosecutions compared to 51 cases identified in 2002/03.
The increase follows a drive by the NHS Security Management Service (NHS SMS) to ensure that effective sanctions are applied to those who attack NHS staff.
The above press announcement raises two points of interest, the first of which is the continuing apparent ability of patients, some schoolchildren (& their parents), ‘bad’ neighbours, drunks, yobs, etc. to assault other people and to ‘get away with it’, or suffer a minimal penalty.
Perhaps if Judges had their ability to ‘instantly’ jail / fine people for contempt of court removed, they might get a taste of reality and be more inclined to impose the full penalties that the government has tried to impose on such anti-social individuals.
The second point is yet again we have an illustration of the disingenuous nature of statistics, with Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt claiming that there has been a “huge increase in prosecutions”. Yet the reality of the situation is that there are well over 100,000 cases of violence & abuse against NHS staff reported every year. So in fact action is only taken in less than 1%of cases.
What the SMS has achieved is a good start, but what is left to be done is a ‘huge’ amount, not a ‘huge achievement’!
Press release ~ NHS Security Management Service (NHS SMS) ~ Legal Protection Unit ~ Identicom ~ A Professional Approach to Managing Security in the NHS ~ National Association for Healthcare security (NAHS) ~ National Syllabus on Conflict Resolution Training for the NHS. ~ A Safer Place to Work: Protecting NHS Hospital and Ambulance Staff from Violence and Aggression – Full report: ~ Executive Summary ~ Annex: Methodology & Surveys ~ NHS Zero Tolerance Campaign ~ Pupil & Parent violence
DCA: We will all get old sometime - People who may not always be able to make their own decisions as a result of an illness like dementia, disability or injury and those who live and work with them - including banking, legal, finance, health and social care professionals - are invited to have a say in how new mental capacity legislation will work in practice.
The government is holding workshops (limited spaces) during October which will allow people with direct personal experience (professional and personal) to feed back their experiences of supporting someone to make decisions in the key areas of finance, welfare and health and assessing capacity. The intention is to feed into the proposed Code of Practice
The dates of the workshops are:
Anyone interested in attending the workshop should contact: vanessa.rogers@dca.gsi.gov.uk as soon as possible.
Press release ~ DCA website for the Mental Capacity Act 2005 ~ Social Care Green paper - Independence, wellbeing and choice ~ Alzheimer’s Society Response to Independence, wellbeing and choice
General News
English Nature: Top British ecologists gathered at Kingley Vale Nature Reserve in
Press release ~ British Ecological Society ~ English Nature ~ Natural England. ~ New Phytologist Trust
MoD: Once Gurkhas have served in the British army for three years they will, from
Press release ~ Brigade of Gurkhas ~ Judicial review on T&C of former Gurkhas ~ BBC news item ~ Khukuri House
DfES: From
Press release ~ National Agreement on Raising Standards and Tackling Workload ~ National Remodelling Team ~ NUT Guidance to Members ~ Cracking the Introduction of Planning, Preparation and Assessment and Modern Foreign Languages Challenge for KS2 ~ Financial effect of workforce reform 2005-06 ~ Teachernet Remodelling web pages ~ FAQs from Devon
British Library: The British Library is the
Press release ~ Business & Intellectual Property Centre ~ reader’s pass ~ Patent Office ~ What is a ‘patent’?
Defra: Margaret Beckett has announced her intention to appoint new members to the
Press release ~ application form (return by
Defra: Revised compensation rates applicable to the BSE and Offspring compensation schemes (effective for the month of September 2005) have been announced.
Press release ~ Defra BSE website ~ Revue of 30 month rule ~ Cases since 1996 ~ Mad-cow-facts.com
DH: A new database on the prevalence & management of common chronic diseases, intended to make it easier to monitor patients with long-term conditions, has gone live. Launched under the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), it rewards practices for providing a high-quality service in a range of areas and includes incentives for having proactive systems in place to ensure patients with long term conditions are properly monitored & reviewed.
Press release ~ Quality and Outcomes Framework ~ BMA guidance ~ QOF scores by PCT ~ QOF prevalence data ~ Payment by results
Met Office: The Met Office sends its forecasts of hurricane tracks to the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) in Miami NHC every 12 hours. However, Katrina only marks the halfway point in the Atlantic hurricane season, which usually runs from June to November and there are predictions for up to another 5 or 6 hurricanes this season.
Press release ~ Met Office ~ National Hurricane Centre (NHC) in Miami ~ Natural Hazard Working Group (NHWG) ~ Disasters Emergency Committee ~ World Meteorological Organisation
MCA: The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) and Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) have joined forces to host the four-day 4th International Shallow Survey Conference 2005 (starts 12 September) which will be taking place in Europe for the first time since its establishment in Sydney, Australia in 1999.
Press release ~ 4th International Shallow Survey Conference 2005 ~ UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) ~ Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) ~ Oceanographic Data Service (BODS) ~ Royal Navy survey ship HMS Enterprise ~ International Federation of Hydrographic Societies ~ Integrated Coastal Zone Mapping
Policy Statements and Initiatives
DH: The government is claiming that figures show that since 2000/01, additional investment in cancer services has reached £639 million - £69 million more than was committed in the NHS Cancer Plan. However, there is no mention of the fact that cancer charities provided over a quarter of the additional funding, or that NICE has delayed spending on some cancer treatments.
One should also bear in mind that the figures only go up to 2003/04 and that the Audit Commission’s report in June 2003 was not so congratulatory with regards to the efficient targeting of funds to frontline NHS services.
Press release ~ NHS Cancer Plan and DH Cancer website ~NICE delaying Treatments ~ NAO - The NHS Cancer Plan: A Progress Report (March 2005) Summary ~ Full report ~ Audit Commission ~ Achieving the NHS Plan (2003) ~ NHS Cancer Screening Programmes ~ Tackling Cancer: Improving the patient journey - Executive summary ~ Full report ~ NAO - ’Tackling cancer in England: saving more lives’ (March 2004) - Full Report ~ Executive Summary
DTI: London’s Regent Street and an Eco Centre in Wales are among 18 projects that will share over £1.5million in funding as Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks announces the latest successful solar energy schemes that will receive Government money under the Solar Photovoltaic Major Demonstration Programme.
There is still funding available for large scale projects and the last deadline for applications is
Press release ~ Solar Photovoltaic Major Demonstration Programme ~ British Photovoltaic Association ~ Energy Saving Trust ~ The Low Carbon Building programme consultation is currently still open
Defra: The Rural Development Service (RDS) has reminded farmers that they can still submit Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) applications for the majority of their farms and that they don’t have to wait until outstanding issues with the Rural Land Register (RLR) on individual land parcels are resolved.
Press release ~ Rural Development Service (RDS) ~ Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) ~ Rural Land Register (RLR) Briefing note ~ The Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) - The Rural Land Register Data Capture Exercise - IACS 40: Guidance booklet (3Mb) ~ Rural Payments Agency
Defra: The government has welcomed an industry-led initiative to promote improved water efficiency. Waterwise - a new body funded jointly by water companies but acting independently of them - has set itself the target of reversing the trend in rising demand and reducing stress on the water supply-demand balance, within five years. Average per capita consumption has risen from146 litres/head/day in 1994/95 to 154 litres/head/day in 2003/04.
Press release ~ Waterwise ~ Ofwat ~ Envirowise programme ~ Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECA) scheme ~ Defra water conservation website ~ Waterwise plant guide ~ Thames Water - waterwise
Welsh Assembly Gov: A Disability Summer School, organised by CyMAL: Museums Archives and Libraries Wales, began at the
The event also saw the launch of the Wales Edition of the Disability Portfolio at the event, which is a series of 12 guides to help staff in museums, archives and libraries become more accessible.
The Summer School continues at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth on September 6 and at Swansea Rugby Club on
Press release ~ CyMAL: Museums Archives and Libraries Wales ~ Wales Edition of the Disability Portfolio ~ Disability Summer School - contact ChristineTaylor: mailto:Christine.Taylor@wales.gsi.gov.uk (01970 610231)
Home Office: Tthe Home Office is consulting (closes 26 October 2005) on a standard set of powers for Community Support Officers (CSOs), which they think will help tackle crime & anti-social behaviour and increase community safety. At present the powers available to CSOs vary from force to force.
Press release ~ Consultation on Standard Powers for Community Support Officers ~ White Paper - Building Communities, Beating Crime ~ Police Reform Act 2002 ~ Community Support Officers (CSOs)
Home Office: The government is consulting (closes
Liz Longhurst, whose daughter Jane was murdered in 2003 by a man obsessed with violent sexual pornography, said: “We have lobbied the Government and collected over 35,000 signatures for our petition and I am hopeful of reaching a target of 100,000 signatures by Spring 2006”.
Press release ~ Consultation documents (scroll down) ~ Liz Longhurst’s petition ~ Briefing on current UK Laws ~ CPS – Adult material on the Internet ~ Internet Protection Task Force ~ Internet Watch Foundation ~ Internet Content Rating Association ~ ISPA - children on the Internet
DCA: Details of how the review of legal aid procurement (being undertaken by Lord Carter of Coles) will be taken forward over the next few months have been announced. The government says that its success will depend on the ongoing engagement, input and support of the legal professions and government departments & agencies involved.
Several pieces of work are being carried out over the next few months to inform the review and, while this work is being undertaken anyone with an interest in this work can make submissions (no date given) to the Secretariat
Press release ~ Lord Carter’s Review website ~ Community Legal Service Direct ~ Legal Aid calculator ~ Scottish Legal Aid Board ~ Criminal Defence Service Bill
DCA: The Government has published a consultation paper (closes on
Press release ~ Hearing the Relatives of Murder and Manslaughter Victims ~ CJS ‘victim’ web pages ~ Victim Support ~ Taking Account of Victims in the Criminal Justice System: A Review of the Literature - 1999 ~ Valuing the Victim
Defra: Industry, conservation groups and the public are being invited to give their views on the government’s proposed Marine Bill that is intended to ‘establish an integrated system for the streamlined planning, management and protection of coastal and marine natural resources’.
Partner organisations are being invited to a series of three events. The first forum, at the Strand Palace Hotel,
Press release ~ Defra Marine Bill website ~ Our coasts and seas - making space for people, industry and wildlife (3Mb) ~ Maritime State of Nature Report for England: getting onto an even keel (3.7Mb) ~ Our coasts and seas - A 21st Century agenda for their recovery, conservation and sustainable use ~ Marine Health Check 2005 (2.4Mb) ~ WWF Marine Act Campaign ~ WWF web pages on UK Marine and coastal ecosytems
Press release ~ consultation documents ~ Wild Boar Risk Assessment (3Mb) ~ Review of non-native species legislation & guidance ~ Ecology and Management of wild Boar in Southern England ~ British Wild Boar website
Guidance Notes and Best Practice Guides
HSE: The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has recently investigated several complaints relating to flame failure devices (FFDs) on gas forges used primarily by farriers. The key issues are the purchase of suitable equipment and safe operation of the forge.
Press release ~ The Gas Appliances (Safety) Regulations (GASR) 1995 ~ HSE Simple guide to the Provision & use of Work Equipment regulations 1998
HSE: A revised version of guidance designed to help employers who supply & use personal protective equipment (PPE) at work meet their duties under the law has been published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
The guidance, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Work Regulations 1992 (L25), which was first published in 1992, has now been updated to reflect changes to the Regulations, developments in PPE and to clarify guidance queries commonly received by HSE.
HSE has also reissued A Short Guide to the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations, a free leaflet aimed at providing employers with a brief summary of the laws main requirements. In particular, the guide includes a short synopsis of common workplace hazards and types of PPE that can be used to prevent workers exposure.
Press release ~ A Short Guide to the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations ~ HSE PPE web page ~ Order Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Work Regulations 1992 (L25) ~ Short guide to PPE ~ RoSPA ~ Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2002
HSE: The Construction Industry Advisory Committee, (CONIAC) are pleased to announce that the industrys leading health & safety campaign, Working Well Together (WWT), will once again visit construction workers at their places of work during a five week nation-wide roadshow, starting at a Persimmon Homes site in Bathgate, West Lothian, Scotland, on Monday 5 September.
Press release ~ HSE Worker engagement initiative ~ WWT Campaign website ~ Work Programme for 2005 ~ Construction Industry Advisory Committee, (CONIAC) ~ Inspector training and Speakers packs ~ Brief Guide to Regulations ~ HSE Falls website ~ HSE Construction website ~ Improving health and safety in the construction industry
LSDA: News from the Learning and Skills Development Agency of 10 new A levels that have been designed to provide students with both the knowledge & skills that relate directly to specific occupational sectors. They are backed-up by production of a CD-ROM, which is intended to ensure that students get real life rather than ‘textbook’ examples they can draw on.
From September 2005 the new ‘A’ levels replace the Vocational Certificate of Education (VCE), which was introduced in 2000. The new qualifications have an AS/A2 structure, comparable to existing GCEs.
Press release ~ Vocational Learning Support Pack - Bringing the world of work to new A-levels ~ Learning and Skills Development Agency
LSDA: The LSDA has produced a CD-ROM which includes downloadable leaflets, guidance for teachers, student activities and examples of how The Alnwick Garden markets the attraction. They are all designed to link directly to GCSE and A-level units in customer service, marketing and management.
Press release ~ Virtual visit – a teacher’s resource is available free (limited numbers) from LSDA - Email: enquiries@LSDA.org.uk ~ The Alnwick Garden in Northumberland ~ Increased Flexibility Programme ~ IFP case studies ~ Association of Teachers’ websites
DWP: A new DVD - We Can Help - has been launched to promote Jobcentre Plus services to disabled people and those with health conditions.
Press release ~ DVD obtainable from Disability Employment Advisers at local Jobcentre Plus office
DH: A new computer programme which will provide the NHS with an early warning system for identifying patients with long-term conditions most at risk of admittance to hospital, has been launched by the Department of Health. The computer software uses a wide range of patient information to work out who is most at risk and, once prioritised, NHS care teams can then work with patients to help them maintain their health and avoid a visit to hospital.
A conference about the risk prediction tool is being held on 27 October in central
Press release ~ Patients at Risk of Re-Hospitalisation (PARR) Case Finding Tool ~ Also called - Predictive risk system Project ~ NHS Networks – Supporting people with long-term conditions ~ NatPaCT – working with data ~ Health Dialog ~ Long Term Conditions Case Management - Community Matrons ~ Essex Strategic Health Authority ~ NHS Modernisation Agency
Annual Reports
DfES: The annual School Sport Survey 2004/05 has been published and the government is claiming that it shows that more children are participating in school sport.
Press release ~ 2004/05 School Sport Survey ~ Primary Playground Development ~ national school sport strategy ~ Ofsted - The Physical Education, School Sport and Club Links Strategy(PESSCL) ~ Extended school hours ~ School Sport Partnerships ~ Youth Sport Trust ~ Making a Difference: Reducing burdens in school and community sport (summary) ~ 2012 Scholarships ~ School Playing Fields Advisory Panel
General Reports and other publications
Acas: Acas has published its corporate plan of action to 2007/08, which outlines its strategic aims & plans for improving employment relations in
Press release ~ Improving the world of work plan of action 2007/08 ~ Reminder on Minimum Wage Increase
DWP: A new set of reports has been published by the Department for Work and Pensions, which present findings from three independent studies commissioned by the Department into hybrid, or risk sharing, pension scheme designs.
The main objective of the research was to increase knowledge of risk sharing and hybrid pension plans compared to traditional final salary defined benefit (DB) and pure defined contribution (DC) plans; and to promote discussion and better understanding of pension scheme design within Government and the wider pensions world.
Press release ~ Research report: 270 - Risk Sharing & Hybrid Pension Plans (this contains summaries of the next three) ~ Research report: 271 - Hybrid Pension Plans: UK and International Experience ~ Research report: 269 - Comparing Pension Outcomes from Hybrid Schemes ~ Research report: 272 - The Optimal Allocation of Pension Risks in Employment Contracts (NB these files range from 1Mb to 3Mb)
ODPM: The Government claims that its Key Worker Living Programme (KWL) is making a positive contribution towards improving recruitment and retention of key workers, such as teachers, nurses and police.
The early findings of the evaluation has led to the ODPM widening the range of front line public sector workers applying for the programme from April 2006, where there is evidence of recruitment & retention problems.
Press release ~ Starter Home Initiative (SHI) ~ Key Worker Living (KWL) programme ~ Report No. 220 - Key Public Sector Workers: Exploring Recruitment and Retention Issues and Housing Preferences ( Scroll down for Summary and Full versions) ~ Report No. 221 - Starter Home Initiative Evaluation ~ Report No. 222 - Key Worker Living Evaluation: Early Findings (scroll down for Summary and Full versions)
LSDA: A new report Beyond prejudice – inclusive learning in practice, published by the Learning and Skills Development Agency, highlights the need to address the issues of inclusive learning and the end to ‘tunnel vision’ more vigorously.
Press release ~ Beyond prejudice – inclusive learning in practice ~ Human Rights Act (1998) guidance ~ Disability Discrimination Act (Part 4) user guide ~ Learning and Skills Council’s National Equality and Diversity Strategy ~ Niace Briefing sheet ~ EDIMs (equality and diversity impact measures) by the LSC.
Legislation / Legal
OFT: New guidance to help make caravan contract terms clearer & fairer has been published by the Office of Fair Trading. The guidance has been produced for owners of caravan parks & organisations offering advice to consumers looking to buy a caravan.
The consumer leaflet, A fair pitch for your holiday caravan - A guide to agreements for static holiday caravans is being published at the same time as the guidance.
Press release ~ Guidance ~ A fair pitch for your holiday caravan ~ Guidance consultation document ~ Park Home Site Licensing: Further Reform outlines ~ ODPM Park Homes website
Defra: Rules have now come into force that the government claims will clamp down on black-market fish traders by improving the way fish landings are monitored by requiring the registration of buyers and sellers of fish sold for the first time after landing.
Press release ~ Application forms (Form No. RBS 1) ~ Defra Fisheries web pages ~ The Registration of Fish Buyers and Sellers and Designation of Fish Auction Sites Regulations 2005 ~ Explanatory leaflet RBS 2: Applying to be a registered buyer or seller of first sale fish in the UK ~ CEFAS Annual Report and Accounts 2003/2004
EU legislation, initiatives, etc.
Welsh Assembly Gov: First Minister Rhodri Morgan offered a warm welcome to Foreign Ministers from all 25 European Union member states, as
Charity and Voluntary Sector
British Red Cross: One year on from the hostage crisis in Beslan that claimed the lives of 338 people, including 172 children, the International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies reports that a third of the families affected will need long-term psychological support.
Using funds raised through Red Cross societies globally, the Russian Red Cross has provided an outreach support programme where some 20 nurses visit affected families each week. However, psychological problems are often compounded by physical disabilities.
Press release ~ British Red Cross ~ International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement ~ Beslan Operations update ~ Independent – How Beslan is coping one year on
Business and other briefings
DWP: Trustees who have not yet submitted information to the Governments £400 million Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) now have less than 6 months to apply. Trustees who think their schemes might be eligible, should contact the FAS Operational Unit on 0845 6019941 to obtain form FAS A1. This form should be returned by
Press release ~ Financial assistance scheme ~ Pensions Act 2004
DWP: The Department for Work and Pensions has today announced that the new funding requirements for defined benefit occupational pension schemes will now come into force on 31 October 2005, instead of the previously expected
The Pensions Regulator will publish a suite of guidance materials in October to help trustees, employers and their respective advisers comply with the new funding regime.
Press release ~ Pensions Regulators website ~ Current Codes of Practice
CC: The Competition Commission (CC) has concluded that the completed acquisition by Somerfield plc (Somerfield) of Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc (Morrisons) may be expected to result in a substantial lessening of competition in 12 local grocery retail markets in
CC: The Competition Commission (CC) has published an issues statement as part of its inquiry into the classified directory advertising services market.
Press release ~ CC Statement ~ The OFT’s reasons for making a reference
Reminders for events being held next month
For further information on the events listed below (and subsequent events) please click HERE
Date: 3 - 5 October 2005
Organiser: Neil Stewart Associates - Reinventing Accountability for the 21st Century
A two-day international event and training day which will explore innovative approaches to building accountable leadership and organisations in the 21st century.
Organiser: Homeless Link - Making the link: opening up research into homelessness
Homeless Link supported by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, provide an opportunity for people both within and outside the homelessness sector to talk us about the wider issues affecting homeless people.
Date: 5 - 6 October 2005
Venue: Victoria Park Plaza Hotel,
Organiser: Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply – Premier Conference
The central themes of this year’s Premier Conference examine the contribution that purchasing and supply management can make to the management of risk, whilst ensuring security of supply, and how procurement can drive innovation, both within organisations and with external suppliers.
Organiser: Local Government Chronicle – Improving policy design
A timely conference that will analyse the recent initiatives aimed at improving communication between central, regional and local government.
Organiser: Royal British Legion -
Venue: Inmarsat Conference centre, London EC1
Organiser: Neil Stewart Associates – Modernising Mental health services: Developing Leadership, Recruitment, Retention and training
An opportunity to discuss how best to develop a more diverse and coherent NHS Mental Health workforce, with structured career development programmes and a drive to recruit more service users as part of the workforce.
Venue: Chepstow race course
Organiser: Royal British Legion - Chepstow Raceday
Venue: Fairfield Halls, Croydon.
Organiser: Royal British Legion - Biennial gathering of the Massed Bands of the Royal British Legion Concert
Date: 26 – 28 October 2005
Equipping people to work at a level to provide top-quality support to their managers and developing their potential to be the leaders of tomorrow. Designed for administrative officers and their equivalent, on completion you should understand the basis of effective management
Date: 26 – 28 October 2005
Organiser: Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply – CIPS Supply Management Awards 2005
The awards are run jointly by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS) and its fortnightly magazine, Supply Management. For the CIPS Supply Management Awards 2005, the 10 team and two individual categories will be presented at a black-tie gala dinner at the London Hilton on
Date: Up to 15 December
Venue: none
Organiser: Citizenship Foundation - Take a hands-on approach to politics, journalism and the legal system
Now in it’s 15th year, The National Youth Parliament Competition helps 11-18 year olds understand the democratic process and gives them the opportunity to video their own parliamentary debate.
The National Political Journalism competition, challenges young people (11-18 year olds) to experience first-hand the relationship between politics and the media. They are asked to tackle a local, national and international political issue of their choice, by taking on the roles of media professionals and create real news pieces in print, TV or radio.
In the Magistrates’ Court Mock Trial competition students take on the roles of court staff, lawyers & witnesses and present the prosecution and defence of a specially written criminal case.
For further information on the above (and subsequent) events please click HERE
Editorial Content Statement
WGPlus would like to make it clear that the commentary & links provided, in respect of any particular item, are published in its capacity as an independent non-government funded organisation and reflect the editorial team’s need to both précis & re‑format the content of news releases.
Any views expressed are therefore entirely those of the WGPlus editorial team and independent of any sponsor, government organisation or political party.
For the official view of a source organisation, readers should click on the ‘press release’ that is the first link attached to each item.
While every care is taken to ensure that all links work in the newsletter (including checking just before publication), WGPlus cannot guarantee that websites will not make changes that will nullify individual links, especially over a period of time.