Newswire – IRM: Something for politicians to read as they decide which policies to risk putting in their manifestos - The Institute of Risk Management has teamed up with AIRMIC and Alarm to produce a practical guide to the successful implementation of the international standard ISO 31000 'Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines', released at the end of 2009.
The new guide provides a helpful commentary on ISO 31000, as well as further guidance on successful implementation. In particular the guide recognises that risk has both an upside & a downside and offers additional advice on various concepts including ‘risk appetite’.
Press release ~ A Structured Approach to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and the Requirements of ISO 31000 ~ 'A Risk Management Standard' (2002) ~ ISO 31000:2009 ~ AIRMIC (UK Association of Insurance and Risk Managers) ~ Alarm is the UK public risk management association ~ AC: Improving strategic risk management arrangements in local public bodies & partnerships ~ AC: Risk it to make it: Risk management diagnostic tool ~ Risk, responsibility and regulation. Whose risk is it anyway? ~ Risk and Regulation Advisory Council (RRAC) ~ Information Security Awareness Forum (ISAF) – Directors’ Guides ~ Public Risk - The Next Frontier for Better Regulation ~ Response with responsibility: Policy-making for public risk in the 21st century ~ HSE – Risk management ~ HSE - Principles of sensible risk management ~ NAO: Achieving innovation in central government organisations ~ Event safety guide (Being updated) ~ JISC infoNet: Risk Management infoKit - Overview and Introduction ~ NHS Litigation Authority: Risk Management ~ OGC: Risk Management ~ FERMA - Federation of European Risk Management Associations ~ Scotland: Risk Management Authority
Newswire – CPA: Not how much is spent, but rather a question of how effectively it is spent - The Committee of Public Accounts has published its 30th Report, Session 2009-10, on Tackling Problem Drug Abuse. Edward Leigh MP, Chairman of the Committee said:
"Central and local government spends around £1.2 billion a year on activities to tackle problem drug use. Given the amount of public money being spent, it is unacceptable that the Home Office does not know what overall effect this spending is having. It does not carry out enough evaluation of its work and does not know if its drug strategy is directly reducing the overall cost of drug-related crimes”.
There are 330,000 problem drug users in England. They are estimated, based on research covering the 2003-04 period, to cost society over £15bn a year, £13.9bn of which is due to drug-related crime. Central & local government collectively spend £1.2bn a year to deliver the measures set out in the national drug strategy.
Problem drug users often relapse & re-offend and around a quarter are hard core offenders for whom interventions simply do not work. The Home Office does not know how to most effectively tackle problem drug use. Meeting offenders at the prison gates and escorting them to community services & ongoing treatment may be important steps to prevent a quick relapse into drug use and re-offending. Residential rehabilitation may be effective for those who have failed to 'go clean' in other forms of treatment.
Press release ~ CPA: Tackling problem drug use ~ Home Office: Drugs ~ Tackling Drugs – Changing Lives ~ NAO: Tackling problem drug use ~ Drug Treatment Outcomes Research Study (DTORS) ~ National Tackling Drugs Week (2009) ~ Drug Intervention programme ~ Know the Score ~ A Survey of Buprenorphine Misuse in Prisons: July 2007 ~ Channel 4 News video report ~ Prison Policy Update ~ Integrated Drug Treatment System (IDTS) ~ RAPt – The Rehabilitation for Addicted Prisoners Trust ~ Prison Service Drug Strategy ~ NICE: Drug misuse - methadone and buprenorphine: Appraisal consultation document ~ Government's 10 year drug strategy - Drugs: protecting families and communities ~ All about the FRANK campaign ~ Drug Action Team contacts' directory ~ Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs ~ Treatment Strategy ~ DrugScope ~ Rethink ~ Adfam ~ Addaction ~ 2006 Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle & Substance Use Survey ~ Drug Misuse Information Scotland ~ Scottish Drugs Forum ~ Fresh online - Drugs ~ Getting help with drug problems that prevent you working ~ National Treatment Agency ~ ScotGov - National Drugs Strategy ~ Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK Guidelines on Clinical Management ~ Scottish Association of Alcohol and Drug Action Teams (SADAAT) ~ Scottish Advisory Committee on Drug Misuse (SACDM) ~ Essential Care: A Report on the Approach Required to Maximise Opportunity for Recovery from Problem Substance Use in Scotland ~ Turning Point Scotland ~ Co-morbid Mental Health and Substance Misuse in Scotland
Newswire – E&CCC: As we finally come out of the coldest winter for many years - The Government is going to miss its target to end fuel poverty amongst vulnerable households in England in 2010, according to the Energy & Climate Change Committee, which recently launched its report on Fuel Poverty. The target to end fuel poverty for all households in England by 2016 also looks difficult to hit, despite the efforts made by the Government.
The Committee's report is a stocktake of performance in tackling fuel poverty and sets out areas of concern which the Committee want to see addressed in the new Parliament.
Amongst its recommendations, the Committee calls for:
Amongst its recommendations, the Committee calls for:
* A 'road map' to be drawn up, setting out how fuel poverty is to be tackled in greater detail
* An urgent review of the market for fuels bought by people who are not connected to the mains gas grid
* The Government to look to see how people with cancer & other serious medical conditions could benefit from social price support
Press release ~ Fuel Poverty ~ CRC: Hands Up ~ Rural Fuel Poverty ~ Quantifying rural fuel poverty ~ Addressing Fuel Poverty in Rural Cambridgeshire ~ eaga’s Clean Energy for Social Housing project ~ Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes ~ CESP (Community Energy Saving Programme) ~ EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive ~ Annual Report EEPH ~ Annual Report on Fuel Poverty Statistics 2009 ~ Fuel Poverty Advisory Group 7th Annual Report ~ DECC: Addressing fuel poverty page ~ Warm Front Scheme ~ ‘Public Accounts Committee - Thirty-Ninth Report The Warm Front Scheme’ ~ WAG: National Energy Efficiency and Savings Plan ~ Home Energy Efficiency Scheme (HEES) ~ Energy Saving Trust Wales ~ WAG – Fuel Poverty ~ NAO – The Warm Front Scheme ~ Home Energy Saving Programme ~ Community Action for Energy ~ Winter Fuel Payment ~ Cold Weather Payments
Newswire – CLGC: Why didn’t they pilot the project with one regional centre first? - The Government's programme to replace 46 local fire & rescue service control rooms with 9 purpose-built regional control centres has been inadequately planned, poorly executed and badly managed, says the Communities and Local Government Select Committee.
Launching a report of an inquiry into the FiReControl project, CLG Committee Chair Dr Phyllis Starkey said; "The original aims and expected benefits of this scheme were, in our view, sound. But the department has clearly not learned from its previous mistakes with the New Dimension project. FiReControl is yet another catalogue of further poor judgement and mismanagement."
On balance, however, given the investment of public funds already committed, and the benefits that will accrue, MPs conclude that DCLG should press ahead with the FireControl project so long as Ministers can agree urgently a viable project plan that will see the project go live by a target date of mid-2011 and in which the main stakeholders can have confidence.
A lack of openness, collaboration & explanation by DCLG means many Fire & Rescue Authorities now have profound reservations about whether the new regional system will deliver a more efficient, safer service.
Press release ~ Report: FiReControl ~ CLG - FiReControl project ~ CLG: Functionality in the current control systems ~ Firelink radio communications project ~ Fire service UK ~ Fire Brigades Union campaign ~ New Dimension project
Newswire – BIS: To cut UK public spending now or later, an independent view from overseas - A paper, from the website of the Bank for International Settlements examines what current fiscal policy and expected future age-related spending imply for the path of debt/GDP ratios over the next several decades.
According to the authors of the paper, projections of public debt ratios lead to the conclusion that the path being pursued by fiscal authorities in a number of industrial countries is unsustainable. Drastic measures are necessary to check the rapid growth of current & future liabilities of governments and reduce their adverse consequences for long-term growth & monetary stability.
Press release ~ The future of public debt: prospects and implications ~ Bank for International Settlements
Newswire – Age UK: Making sure that they are ‘In sight and in their minds’ - People aged over 55 will cast 4 out of every 10 votes and make up the majority in many marginal seats‚ according to new research for Age UK. Electoral power lies firmly in the hands of older voters, according to exclusive new research, which reveals this group will be more influential in the 2010 General Election than ever before.
Research conducted by De Montfort University reveals the over-55s will account for the majority of votes cast in 319 constituencies across Britain. Politicians cannot afford to ignore these numbers and their election campaign - ‘Our Power is Our Number’ - is urging older people to use their vote and ensure candidates engage with issues which are important to older people.
Older voters across England are being urged to put 5 key questions to their local election candidates to provide answers on the issues that matter most and, in so doing, earn their votes. The campaign is intended to remind MPs that ‘people over 60 matter’.
Press release ~ Research ~ Age UK ~ ‘Our Power is Our Number’ ~ Equality Bill: Ending age discrimination in services and public functions - a consultation ~ Voice of Older People ~ Equality Bill ~ Oxera: The use of age-based practices in financial services (Executive summary) ~ DWP – Preparing for an Aging Society ~ Inequalities in health in an ageing population, patterns, causes and consequences ~ National Evaluation of Partnerships for Older People Projects ~ Guide to making a strategic shift to prevention and early intervention ~ DH - Partnerships for Older People Projects (POPPs) ~ CSIP – POPPs ~ Putting People First ~ Older People’s Prevention Package ~ Building a Society for All Ages ~ NHS – Over 60s ~ British Geriatrics Society (BGS) ~ Full of Life government campaign ~ The Generation Factor ~ Don't Stop Me Now: Preparing for an ageing population ~ Empowering Engagement: A stronger voice for older people - The Government response to John Elbourne’s review ~ Age Positive ~ Department for Work and Pensions: Pensions reform ~ LinkAge Plus
Forthcoming Event: Enterprise Architecture Conference Europe 2010, 16-18 June,
London - The 11th Annual Enterprise Architecture Conference is
Europe ’s leading independent and longest established conference on Enterprise Architecture. It is neither analyst led nor vendor led. It brings together the EA community’s foremost leading-edge thinkers and experienced practitioners from around the world.
Keynote Speakers include John Zachman, Mike Rosen and world renowned business guru Don Tapscott
Case studies and contributors include ABN Amro, BNP Paribas, The Open Group, Norwegian Tax Administration, Department for Work and Pensions, Ministry of Justice, Office for National Statistics, National Policing Improvement Agency, Sogeti Nederland, Aljazeera Network, NASA and many more….
Delegates can choose from 4 conference tracks and 8 pre-conference tutorials
The event is structured to accommodate delegates at all levels, whether you are just getting started in architecture, re-appraising your approach, or working to fine tune your performance
Please Click Here to view the full conference programme.
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