DH: We should answer their calls for help - A new Suicide Prevention Strategy will focus on supporting bereaved families & preventing suicide amongst ‘at risk groups’. It is backed by a call to action led by the Samaritans and up to £1.5m for new research.
The strategy, launched last week on World Suicide Prevention Day by Care Services Minister Norman Lamb, is the first in more than 10 years and aims to reduce the suicide rate in England and better support those who have been bereaved or affected by suicide.
ICO: Its about time Councils started to make this a disciplinary offence for the officer(s) responsible at Chief Officer level - A Council whose former employees’ pension records were found in an over-filled paper recycle bank in a supermarket car park have been fined £250,000 for the data breach.
Scottish Borders Council employed an outside company to digitise the records, but failed to seek appropriate guarantees on how the personal data would be kept secure.
The Data Protection Act requires that, if you decide to use another organisation to process personal data for you, you remain legally responsible for the security of the data and for protecting the rights of the individuals whose data is being processed.
But Scottish Borders Council put no contract in place with the third party processor, sought no guarantees on the technical & organisational security protecting the records and did not make sufficient attempts to monitor how the data was being handled.
For practical advice on this topic, read the ICO's guidance 'Outsourcing: A guide for small and medium-sized businesses'.
EU News: Can a UK referendum be far away? – The EU Parliament calls for real economic & monetary union, as first step towards a stronger political union, with greater democratic accountability. Growth initiatives & better controls on national spending of EU funds are among several specific proposals put forward by MEPs.
The first proposal should address the need for a genuine banking union, with increased supervisory powers for the European Central Bank (ECB).
RCP: Time to move on from primarily treating people in hospital? - The demand on clinical services is increasing to the point where acute care cannot keep pace in its current form says Hospitals on the edge? The time for action, a new report from the Royal College of Physicians.
The hard-hitting report highlights that there are a third fewer general & acute beds now than there were 25 years ago - yet the last decade alone has seen a 37% increase in emergency admissions.
This is coupled with a change in patients’ needs. 65% of people admitted to hospital are over 65 years old and an increasing number are frail or have a diagnosis of dementia. However, all too often hospital buildings, services & staff are not equipped to deal with those with multiple, complex needs including dementia.
DUK: Researching racial origin is not just about immigration - New research findings have shown that, compared to 20% of people of European descent approximately half of all South Asian, Black African & African Caribbean people in the UK will develop Type 2 diabetes by the age of 80.
The findings, published in the journal Diabetes Care are the first to reveal the full extent of ethnic differences in the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The new information comes from the Southall and Brent Revisited (SABRE) study, a large-scale population-based investigation which has followed 4,200 middle-aged Londoners of European, South Asian and African Caribbean descent for over 20 years.
ACE: Getting that important first vital job experience - Arts Council England have launched the Creative employment programme to help young unemployed people find paid entry level work in the arts & cultural sector.
It aims to provide unemployed people aged 16-24 (graduate & non-graduate) with paid opportunities to gain access to on the job training, skills & experience in the arts & cultural sector.
ACE is opening a commissioned grant for applications to find a national provider who will deliver the programme. The successful applicant will receive up to £15m to deliver the programme and help subsidise new opportunities which will directly benefit unemployed young people until March 2015.
Press release & links
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