Adding to the cost issue? |
The government has published the fundamental standards regulations. They include 2 regulations – the duty of candour and the fit & proper person requirement for directors – which will come into force on 27 November 2014 for NHS trusts, Foundation Trusts and some special health authorities that provide care & treatment to people that is regulated by CQC. |
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A topic of great importance to most 50+ men |
The first report of the National Prostate Cancer Audit (NPCA) has been published and looks at whether NHS services in England & Wales for men diagnosed with prostate cancer meet recommended standards. Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men and the third most common cause of cancer-related mortality in the UK, with about 40,000 new cases each year resulting in 10,000 deaths. The report found that modern imaging techniques are being introduced so that better decisions about the most appropriate treatment can be made. NHS hospitals are also using innovative surgical techniques with 26 NHS prostate cancer centres in England and 1 in Wales now offer robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy. There is also significant progress in the uptake of new radiotherapy techniques. However, the report also highlights room for improvement, especially on provision of personal support for men diagnosed with prostate cancer. |
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Fitting Tribute compromise |
PM David Cameron recently announced that a key element of the poppy installation at the Tower of London will remain in place until the end of November 2014. Two major parts of the installation, the Weeping Window and The Wave, will then go on a journey to sites around the UK until 2018. They will then be permanently displayed at the Imperial War Museums, which will allow even more people to experience its unique impact. |
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Should the NLW now consider disciplining the Head of Personnel and their Manager(s) for their ‘managerial failures’? |
An employment tribunal has recently found that 2 FDA members were unfairly dismissed from their jobs at the National Library of Wales. They were initially suspended & then demoted, following concerns over a procurement exercise where there were some technical breaches. The Library had already accepted that there was no question of fraud. Additionally, neither of the 2 had been involved in organising such a procurement exercise before, and had not been offered any appropriate training. |
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This whole ‘cesspit’ will take longer than the ‘Bloody Sunday’ Inquiry to resolve if ever |
Independent Review of 2 previous Child Abuse Reviews makes 3 recommendations, all of which have been accepted. These were that:
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And now for some ‘About Time’ good news |
From 1 April 2015 all survivors’ pensions awarded to armed forces spouses & civil partners will be for life. Those already in receipt of a survivor’s pension will be entitled to keep their pension for life if they decide to remarry, cohabit or form a civil partnership. |
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And ‘Hey Presto’, by the time the comments are analysed it will be post-election! |
The Airports Commission has published for consultation its assessment of proposals for additional runway capacity at Gatwick and Heathrow airports. The consultation presents the commission’s analysis of the proposals shortlisted by the commission last year: 2 for expansion at Heathrow Airport and 1 proposal at Gatwick Airport. |
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No EU benefit tourist in future? |
In response to the questions asked by the Social Court, Leipzig, the Court of Justice has held in judgment that, for the purpose of having access to certain social benefits (such as German benefits by way of basic provision), nationals of other Member States can claim equal treatment with nationals of the host Member State only if their residence complies with the conditions of the Directive on free movement of EU citizens. |
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Finding the best of the Best |
Cyber security experts from BT, GCHQ, the National Crime Agency, Lockheed Martin, Juniper and Airbus Group will design a cyber-terrorist attack simulation specifically to test the skills of UK amateur online defenders. The attack will form the Cyber Security Challenge UK’s 2015 Masterclass final, the culmination of almost a year’s worth of nationwide competitions to identify new talent for the cyber security profession and address a critical skills shortage that affects government bodies, businesses and citizens alike. |
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But are all tenants capable of ‘financial management’? |
A support pack has been designed to give social landlords practical advice on how to ensure their tenants are prepared for Universal Credit. UC brings together 6 benefits & tax credits into 1 monthly payment, helping people to get into work quicker & ensuring that work pays. It closely mirrors the world of work, encouraging financial responsibility and prepares people so that they do not suffer a shock when they move from benefit payments. A key feature is that claimants will receive their housing element as part of their monthly payment and are responsible for paying their landlord themselves. |
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Ensuring ‘Fido’ can holiday with the family |
Changes to the pet travel scheme will be introduced from 29 December 2014. The scheme allows people to take their pets (dogs, cats & ferrets) abroad and then return to the UK, or bring pets into the UK, without quarantine, as long as they meet the rules of the scheme. The changes are being introduced to give effect to a new European regulation and are designed to improve the security of the scheme & traceability of the pet passport. |
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