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Quality, Cost Effective Training in Personal Safety & Crime Prevention

Services include:

  • Personal Safety Training
  • Lone Worker training 
  • Crime Prevention Training
  • Designing Out Crime Training
  • Counter-Terrorism Awareness Training 
  • Business Crime Training
  • Consultancy Services

Public sector clients include

  • Greater Manchester Police
  • Kent Police
  • University of Bradford
  • Trafford Council
  • Taunton Deane Borough Council
  • South Wales Fire & Rescue
  • Shetland Islands Council
  • Rochdale Borough Council
  • Derbyshire County Council
  • Bolton Council
  • Essex County Council
  • South Wales Police
  • Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service
  • A large number of Housing Associations across the UK

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Christine Morrison is an experienced trainer and linguist, who combines excellent communication skills with a practical policing and crime prevention background to deliver bespoke, engaging, dynamic and learner-centred training. Previously working as a police sergeant with Merseyside Police, and as a trainer at the Home Office Crime Reduction College and National Policing Improvement Agency (now College of Policing), Christine established CMA Training (UK) Limited in 2003, successfully delivering specialist personal safety and crime prevention training and consultancy.

Commissioned by police forces, housing associations, local authorities, planning departments or working directly with businesses, Christine has built an enviable reputation for delivering high quality training and consultancy, leading to safer working environments, greater security, peace of mind and increased profits. 

Christine Morrison brings to CMA Training (UK) Limited a proven track record in the public, private and voluntary sectors, applying her extensive knowledge of personal safety and crime prevention. Christine delivers training in a way that is challenging, rewarding, informative, enjoyable and interactive, applying practical solutions to overcome the specific issues faced.


Personal Safety Training 

Bespoke in-house training workshops. Prior to the training day a full training needs analysis will be conducted in order to tailor the workshop to your specific needs 

A typical session would cover the following:

  • Defining personal safety and its importance.
  • Recognising the importance of reporting incidents of violence and aggression.
  • Describing any personal safety concerns at work.
  • Identifying personal safety risks at work. 
  • Identifying practical, positive strategies for reducing personal safety risks.
  • Recognising the early warning signs of violence and aggression.
  • Strategies for defusing violence and aggression.
  • Finally, putting ideas into positive action with a personal action plan for improving personal safety at work.

Bespoke courses can additionally cover one or more of the following topics:

  • Assessing risk.
  • Lone working.
  • Home visits.
  • Travelling in the UK and abroad.
  • Driving. 
  • Cash handling.
  • Front line working.
  • Dealing with telephone abuse.
  • De-escalation techniques.

Lone working

The number of lone workers is increasing. As technology advances and budgets are cut more and more organisations are employing lone workers. According to the Health and Safety Executive lone workers are classed as someone who works by themselves without close or direct supervision Lone workers include those who:

  • Work from a fixed base, such as one person working alone on a premises (e.g., shops, petrol stations etc);
  • Work separately from others on the same premises (e.g. security staff) or work outside normal hours;
  • Work away from a fixed base (e.g., maintenance workers, health care workers, environment inspectors);
  • Work at home (homeworkers); and
  • Mobile workers (e.g., taxi drivers).

Effective lone working training is vital to reduce the risk of violence and aggression at work and to fulfil the duty of care to your staff. A typical training session will include:

  • Identifying risks to lone workers, e.g. Home visits, travelling, outreach working and 1:1s.
  • Assessing risks to personal safety.
  • Recognising the importance of reporting all incidents of violence and aggressions, including near misses.
  • Identifying practical strategies for the personal safety of lone workers.
  • Keeping in touch with others - effective tracing systems. 
  • Encouraging effective communication.
  • Defusing confrontation.
  • What to do if it all goes wrong!

Interactive personal safety talks 

An interactive talk is an excellent way of raising awareness about personal safety during a lunch hour, after work, at conferences, staff away days or in team meetings. These last typically one to two hours to suit your needs.

Topics covered can include:

  • Lone working.
  • Visiting people in their homes.
  • Travelling safely whilst using public transport.
  • Driving safely.
  • Personal safety abroad.
  • Dealing with difficult customers.
  • Assessing risk.
  • Telephone abuse.
  • Tracing systems.
  • Practical strategies for reducing risks to personal safety.

Crime Prevention Training

This one day training workshop, based on proven problem solving models, is designed to ensure you learn effective techniques to tackle issues of crime and anti social behaviour,.
The course uses a variety of teaching tools, including practical scenario-based learning. Who will benefit ? The workshop is ideal for frontline operational staff in neighbourhood policing teams, housing associations, community safety partnerships and others who need to manage escalating and chronic issues of crime and anti social behaviour.  It is also suitable for senior staff and supervisors seeking to develop strategies to effectively direct resources and embed crime prevention throughout the organisation.

Course content

  • SARA model.
  • Identifying and applying tools and techniques to identify and analyse the real issues.
  • Generating options for solving the problem.
  • Evaluating the options and making choices that are appropriate, realistic and cost effective.
  • Reviewing what has or hasn't worked.
  • Applying the principles to a practical scenario.
  • Action planning.

Designing Out Crime Training 

CMA training provides bespoke workshops to cover the principles of CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design). Good design and the effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear of crime and incidence of crime, and to an improvement in quality of life of those who live and work there.  This is an effective way of fighting crime and can impact positively on businesses in the targeted area.  Workshops can last from one up to five days.  Longer workshops will include a large element of practical on-site exercises, part of the course that has evaluated very strongly in supporting delegates to apply their knowledge. Who will benefit ? The CPTED workshops are designed for police crime prevention design advisors (CPDAs) and crime prevention staff.  However, the strategies are also ideal for town and city planners, council members, architects, security consultants, developers or anyone involved in designing neighbourhoods, schools, town centres and regeneration areas.

Course content - This will vary according to the length of the workshop but can include:

  • The principles of CPTED.
  • Understanding site plans.
  • Defensible space.
  • Real and symbolic barriers.
  • Lighting for safety and human activity.
  • Planning law
  • The role of the CPDA (crime prevention design advisor)
  • Secured By Design.
  • Crowded places.
  • CPTED and terrorism 
  • Site plan reviews (practical exercise).
  • CPTED and schools.

Business Crime Training 

This two-day training workshop builds on the introduction to the problem solving processes used in crime prevention.  It examines business crime in more detail supporting delegates to learn and apply techniques to develop safer communities.  The course content includes how to conduct a security survey using a range of systematic techniques and considering target-hardening measures and personal behaviours that people can use to make them more secure. It gives delegates the knowledge and skills to provide appropriate, realistic and cost-effective solutions to reduce business crime. The second day will involve a practical survey of a commercial property or retail outlet so that delegates can apply their course knowledge with confidence. Who will benefit? The workshop is primarily designed for frontline staff in neighbourhood policing teams who are likely to be dealing with business crime on a day to day basis.  It is also suitable for Business Fire Officers and managers in retail and shopping centre environments, who need to conduct security surveys of business premises.

Course content:

  • SARA model and the Ten Principles of Crime Prevention.
  • Identifying and applying tools and techniques that can be used to identify and respond to business crime issues.
  • Identifying the level of risk from crime associated with commercial properties.
  • Understanding the range of security measures that can be implemented to reduce the levels of risk associated with business crime.
  • Conducting a practical security survey of a commercial or retail property.
  • Evaluating the options and making recommendations that are appropriate, realistic and cost-effective to reduce the risk of business crime.
  • Action planning

Consultancy Services

There is a need to create safe working environments and culture throughout the organisation so staff feel supported. Employers need to comply with health and safety legislation and demonstrate that they have robust and practical personal safety policies and procedures in place to protect staff and minimise risk of violence and aggression. Examples of consultancy work delivered include:

  • Designing the layout of working environments to minimise the risks to the personal safety of staff and reduce opportunities for crime.
  • Running focus groups with staff and managers to explore the risks to personal safety and identify practical solutions.
  • Providing advice on creating concise, workable policies, procedures and safer working practices.
  • Providing advice on conducting effective personal safety risk assessments.







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