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EP&T Global
84 Kingsway
 +44 20 7831 7511
F  +44 020 7242 2017

EP&T Global | Technology for a Sustainable Future | Australia | Asia | Middle East | Europe

Introducing EP&T Global

We combine the Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Human Expertise to deliver cost reductions and improved comfort conditions for building owners, operators and occupiers. Every year the negligent waste of energy and water costs businesses millions which could be saved by embracing more advanced technology. We at EP&T Global will help you reduce your utility costs by up to 25% at a 30% return on investment using cash flow positive business models. Our customers own over £300 billion of property worldwide and have saved over £50 million in the last five years alone. This makes our customers true global leaders in operating low carbon, energy efficient buildings.

Big or small, we can help you on your journey. Join us in making a positive difference to the world.

Our customers

We are proud to work with some of the most successful building owners and organizations across the world. Our customer’s buildings include hotels, offices, broadcasting centres, shopping centres and hospitals.

Our customers include:

  • BBC
  • Marriott Hotels
  • British Land
  • Westfield
  • M&G Real Estate
  • TH Real Estate
  • Canary Wharf Group

Case Study - The Manchester Arndale Shopping Centre

In 2013, EP&T installed a network of 122 electrical sub-meters at the Manchester Arndale Centre which formed the backbone of its 5 year energy monitoring programme.

The energy monitoring programme began in September 2013 and has delivered the following outcomes within the first 4 years of the programme:

  • £1.3milion energy savings
  • 36% reduction in energy usage
  • 167 energy savings initiatives implemented by the site team
  • 40% return on investment (ROI)

Based on the success at Manchester Arndale Centre, M&G Real Estate has committed to expanding the EP&T monitoring programme across its portfolio.

Please get in touch with a member of our team should you like to receive a no-fee and no-obligations proposal for your building or portfolio.


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