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 Architects and Conservation Consultants

3 King Street Cloisters, Clifton Walk, Hammersmith, London, W6 0GY

t: 0208 7483 755 e: w:

Welcome to MRDA Architects and Conservation Consultants

MRDA was established in 1993 to focus on the conservation and care of historic buildings as well as new design.

We have extensive experience in the design and project management of new build, as well as the adaptation and upgrading of culturally sensitive structures of all kinds. This includes churches, museums and historic sites, commercial and residential buildings, memorials and historic landscapes.

Our specialism extends to the conservation and design of internal fixtures and fittings. We offer practical solutions to problems arising in sensitive sites. We encourage low-impact construction techniques and the use of sustainable building materials. Our approach incorporates bespoke systems for energy, water and waste management, and our architects specialise in defining and implementing solutions for a more sustainable built environment.

Our in-house team of architectural historians and researchers specialise in the production of conservation management plans, conservation statements, impact analysis, building histories and chronologies.

MRDA has an outstanding track record in the UK, Europe and further afield which is attested by a significant number of awards, publications and a wide variety of clients, including private individuals, local authorities, national corporations, English Heritage, the National Trust, the British Museum, the European Union and the World Bank.

The Practice is registered with Constructionline and the Partners, Associates and senior architects are registered with RIBA as Architects Accredited in Building Conservation (AABC).

ISO 9001 Quality Management System



Please click on the links below for more information on each of our projects:

Brompton Cemetery

St. Michael’s Mount

Widworthy Barton


The Physic Well

Avenue House




Stephens House and Gardens

  • Best Heritage and Conservation Project in the Delivering for Barnet Architecture Awards 2017
  • The restoration of the Water Tower was commended by the panel of the Historic England Angel Awards.

Brompton Cemetery

  • Museum + Heritage Awards 2018
  • Winner, Restoration or Conservation
  • Landscape Institute Awards 2018
  • Highly Commended, Heritage and Conservation



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