back to listings SME Profile: Historic Property Restoration Ltd

Sandgate Hall, Albion Road, North Shields, Tyne & Wear, NE30 2RQ

t: 0191 257 0808 e: w:

Historic Property Restoration Limited was formerly the direct labour arm of English Heritage. We specialise in the conservation and restoration of Britain's historic buildings and landmarks, with a growing portfolio of successful multi-million pound projects. Certainly with respect to the conservation and repair of Scheduled Ancient Monuments, the evidence suggests we are now the preferred contractor.

Our experienced and qualified staff are able to offer advice on a variety of matters including survey, schedules of repair, technical solutions and specifications, procurement and project management. Our technical knowledge and experience, allied to awareness of Scheduled Monument and Listed Building legislation, gives us an ideal background to discuss and agree matters of detail with Conservation Officers, English Heritage Inspectors and the like. Read more about us


English Heritage, The National Trust and Northumberland Estates at Alnwick Castle are three of our key clients with whom we work continuosly. Ecclesiastical work also forms an important part of our business. We are proud to have recently completed a major re-ordering and stonemasonry project at Durham Cathedral, and have just been awarded the £3.7M contract for the Common Ground in Sacred Space project at Newcastle Cathedral.

Main depots and workshop facilities in Ripon and Prudhoe support our Head Office in North Shields. Smaller bases in Doncaster, Hexham and Central Lancashire afford us the flexibility to service projects throughout the UK.


What We Do

At Historic Property Restoration Ltd, we provide contracting excellence in the restoration and conservation of historic buildings, from Listed Buildings to World Heritage Sites. We strive to restore and protect our historic and architectural heritage, in order to secure its future. We are able to offer our services throughout most of England and the Scottish Borders.

Over the last decade, we have worked in partnership with English Heritage; entrusted with the conservation and maintenance work on 105 of their important stock of listed buildings and scheduled ancient monuments across the whole of the north of the UK. This is the long-term focus and value that we aim to deliver to our clients and our stakeholders.

We are ConstructionLine approved for projects up to a value of £6M, but our minor works manager and his team are just as happy to carry out specialist small scale repair works too. Read more


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