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 QA International Certification Ltd

Dudley Court, Dudley Road, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL1 4GG

t: +44 (0)1325 384272 e: w:

QA International Certification Limited is an accredited certification body issuing internationally recognised accredited certificates to companies across a wide range of manufacturing and service industries confirming compliance with various national and international management standards. QAIC also issues non-accredited and own-brand certificates for schemes not subject to accreditation.

Based in the UK but operating from a number of regional offices across the world, QA International offers a cost effective support service throughout the whole registration process. Companies will want to choose a certification body they feel comfortable with because the partnership between client and certification body is a close one. QA International’s assessor selection and allocation process is both thorough and rigorous to ensure compatibility between assessor and client and to give the client confidence in the whole certification process.

To help with the sometimes complex process of certification, QA International can provide an advisory visit to establish relevant certification needs and to determine registration requirements – support is available throughout the assessment process.  Click this link to view a flow chart showing the certification process Certification Process Flow Chart  or download the QA International Certification Brochure for further information regarding products and services On completion of certification, QA International can record company certification details in the relevant Governmental and Industrial Directories (including the BIS Register in the UK).

Quality Assurance

The services provided by QA International Certification Ltd as an accredited certification body are designed to help customers maintain their systems to the latest standards and most up to date industry specifications and to demonstrate this to existing and potential new customers. An appropriately qualified, trained and experienced assessor, is matched to each customer by QAICL. Whilst an organisation must be subject to rigorous examination as part of the assessment and surveillance process, it is the duty of assessors to ensure that they also add value to the benefit of the customer. READ MORE


Having an environmental management system complying with the requirements of the international standard ISO14001 will assist companies in identifying and managing environmental issues relating to their activities. QAICL, as a UKAS accredited body, can provide certification to this standard which is suitable for businesses across all sectors and industries. ISO14001 details the requirements for an internationally recognised and accepted environmental management system which can prove to your customers and other stakeholders that you comply with relevant statutory and regulatory requirements relating to environmental matters. READ MORE

Health & Safety

Health and safety is very important in the workplace whether in an industry with high risk processes or a small administrative office – it affects everyone.  Businesses and their managers need to be aware of the sometimes complex laws and regulations relating to health and safety and employees need to be sure that their work environment is as safe as it can be. Directors and Managers determined to improve company safety will find the implementation of Health & Safety management systems a positive contribution to their efforts in corporate development. If senior management can demonstrate a commitment to improving health & safety standards then this will be carried through at all levels in the organisation, ensuring success in this key strategic area.

As with ISO 9000 systems there is a case for third party assessment and validation of a company’s arrangements for Health & Safety. In today’s environment it is not enough to just announce that a system is in place. Certification by an accredited certification body denotes that the relevant systems have been rigorously enforced and maintained. READ MORE 

BRC Global Standards

Certification to the various BRC Standards form a separate Sector Scheme amongst the many accredited scopes offered by QA International Certification. This sector is administered directly by QAIC (Packaging) Limited which services and manages the auditing of all companies seeking registration. For many years, packaging manufacturers and suppliers have commissioned hygiene audits, in order to satisfy the ‘due diligence’ defence found in United Kingdom legislation, and to improve their own premises and practices. Many retailers and food manufacturers also inspected packaging premises in order to satisfy themselves that systems and procedures at their packaging suppliers meet their individual requirements. READ MORE


Falling outside of UKAS and CNAS accreditation, QAIC (Training) Ltd provides specialist customer support in the field of high quality training, which is an important element in the introduction, implementation and maintenance of accredited certification schemes. QAICL offers a range of standard courses and can also offer specific courses tailored to your requirements. Courses offered cover Quality and Environmental Management systems, Health & Safety, HACCP and First Aid at Work. READ MORE

Other Schemes

QA International Certification Limited offers certification for various other standards. These include, amongst others, Medical Devices (ISO13485:2016); Building Information Modelling (BIM) and HACCP. READ MORE

Staged Certification Scheme™

QAICL can assist you at the very beginning of the process on introducing a quality management system.
Previously, an organisation could not engage the services of a certification body until implementation of the management system had been completed. Many organisations were failing certification assessment (for various reasons including poor consultancy), and it became clear that advice from a certification body at the very beginning of the process was crucial to the success of installing an effective quality management system.

Such advice as may be provided by QAICL can be delivered at the start of the implementation process in clarifying the requirements that must be met to achieve registration.  Methods may vary but many approaches can be considered and discussed during the quotation process and these may include gap analysis and pre-assessment.

The services of QAICL also include for a staged approach to certification.  This still allows for the client to have freedom of choice in whether to engage consultants in development of their system. READ MORE 

Further information relating to our products and services can be found in our divisional brochures: -






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