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Captured Learning Limited

Suite 2,
Ashover Business Centre
Matlock Road
S45 0DX

Tel: 01246 592003

Welcome to Captured Learining

Captured Learning are a family owned business operating from offices in Kelstedge, Derbyshire. You will find that they are passionate about what they do and the projects they work on.  You will be encouraged to follow a well defined development process that leads to excellent, interactive and engaging training media.


We provide four main services;

Problem Solving

From our experience 95% of problems are due to unclear standards and people not being trained to standard.

Consequences of unstructured training:

•Wasted money with little impact.
•Variability with employees working to different standards and knowledge of the process.
•Inferior product or service with higher costs.
•Varying degrees of customer satisfaction.
•Poor work flow “batch and queue” type processes leading to longer wait times and lead times.

What we offer:

We use a problem solving methodology that gets to the core of how training will impact on the performance of your business. Our consultants will engage with your customers, stakeholders and personnel to really understand where the biggest impact can be made from any training investment.

What we do:

•Capture learning from workshops focussed on improvement activities such as reducing the set up time for a machine operator, improving customer service, reducing waste in a process.
•Design and carry out customer surveys that expose service and product deficiencies.
•Encourage contribution from the workforce to understand any best practice there may be.


Our approach ensures that standards that impact on the service or product are clearly understood. This forms the basis of any training package design. Quotations from customers and personnel are captured for potential use in the design of any training package.


Training is one of the top 5 motivators. Investment in training is one of the first things to be cut when a business is faced with financial pressures. You may not have the knowledge or skills to design and implement courses internally. Therefore, using an external training provider is the only option. Many businesses don´t have a means of quantifying the benefits gained from investment in training, leaving the question “Did they learn anything?”.

Consequences of underinvestment:

•Dry facilitation and poorly designed courses.
•Money wasted on training with little impact.
•Materials become tired and out of date.
•Learners get bored and don’t understand the connection to business objectives.
•Lack of investment compounds problems. Employees become frustrated and anxious not knowing what is expected of them.
•High turnover of staff due to low morale and not being valued.

What we offer:

A cost effective solution to train your whole workforce.

We create interactive learning meterials that “brings the classroom to the learner”.

We link training to certification bodies.

Materials developed are SCORM compliant to ensure compatibility with any learning management system.

What we do:

•Using our problem solving methodology we will design materials that are tailored specifically to impact on performance.
•Provide a means to monitor any learner progression through staged and interactive knowledge checks.
•Convert old materials into fresh and engaging media accessible anywhere 24/7
•We design innovative games – See an example we designed for Coaching For Change.


You will have course materials that impact on performance in a measurable way. Your training materials will be accessible by all employees (existing and new) where training can be deployed fast and with flexibility.


For eLearning you need access to a Learning Management System (LMS). There are “open source” ones such as Moodle and an overwhelming choice of other systems. The education sector predominantly use Moodle and Totara but in a commercial setting most seek other systems. Good LMS are considered to be expensive and out of reach for the smaller business. Some try to keep control of training via databases and paper based systems.

Consequences of not having a LMS:

•Unable to roll out training to 1000's of people in a cost effective way.
•Training is not readily available.
•Training records are lost, poorly managed and lacking detail

What we offer:

We use a well-established and award-winning LMS selected because of its functionality and ease of use. Our clients may choose to invest in their own system or opt to use ours with a customised front end, separate log in and management control. If you are a smaller business, training provider or small consultancy practice then our system will provide you with a cost effective solution.

What we do:

Design branded front-end portals for client access to eLearning training.

Manage the secure system on our servers with ready access to learner progress reports

We also host individual training in our portal for training companies to sell their courses.


An easy to use learner interface for access to bite size learning from anywhere in the world 24/7.

Web Design

Having a professional website is a necessity. Your website provides an image of your services and quality, imperative to attracting and retaining customers. Keeping a website fresh and up to date, looking good on any device and easy to navigate is critical.

Consequences of poor design:

•Having an unattractive, out of date and unresponsive website can lose you sales.
•A frustrated client or potential buyer will give up their search and not return.
•Not competing in the market place. Competitor sites are better and easier to buy from.

What we offer:

We build responsive, multi platform sites accessible through a content management system, enabling you to update and make changes without relying on a web designer.

- Start up website with CMS:

We understand that investing in a new website can be a stretch for a new business starting out. We offer a start up package for small business (5 pages, 5 email addresses, hosting and support for a year).

£149 with 10 monthly payments of £29 making it easy to get a fantastic, responsive and tailored website to help your business attract customers and help it grow.

- Website re-design:

If you already have a website that you feel is out of date and needs a refurb we will convert it to a responsive (changes format dependant on device) one at a set price established from initial discussions. Why not come to our office for a coffee and chat things over.

What we do:

Have an initial discussion with you to understand the needs and scope. Design from a search engine optimization perspective – making it keyword rich and search engine friendly (white hat) from the outset. We design the look and feel based on your vision and will guide you to create an engaging site unique to your own market.


You will own a responsive, professional and engaging website that attracts new customers and promotes what you offer. The website will adapt to laptops, PC’s, tablets and smartphones making it easier to view and use.



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