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The Creggans
7 Main Street
KY12 9HD

Tel: +44 (1383) 851029 / +44 (7778) 125240
Fax: +44 (870) 7061354


Welcome to C-CHEC

C-CHEC is a company that consists of independent professionals working in the fields of health, safety and the environment. Our consultants are all corporate members of their respective professional bodies. Our support services include fully equipped UKAS accredited analytical laboratories located throughout the UK.

We have experience of supporting many industries and sectors including:

•Oil and gas industry, onshore & offshore worldwide including hostile environments such as Iraq
•Shipbuilding and repair and full vessel surveys for all OH risks (in dock and at sea)
•Local authorities
•Fibre manufacture
•Distilling and coopering industries
•Quarrying and construction
•Light and heavy engineering

Why leave occupational health, safety, ventilation testing / design, ergonomics & environmental issues to chance? The penalties in terms of lost business, poor PR, fines and damages can be severe if you are found not to be in compliance with your legal duties.

We can help you to ensure that your health, safety and environmental legal compliance issues are met. You can be assured that our consultants cover the full range of services. Our initial consultations are free and are completely without obligation. So if you require advice or support in any of these areas, please feel free contact us.

COSHH and Occupational Hygiene

The COSHH Regulations 2002 as amended are very broad in their scope. C-CHEC can provide your company with the complete service with respect to the COSHH Regulations.

We can assist you in the following ways:

•Supporting you in the COSHH risk assessment process
•Advising you on the appropriate level of control
•Helping you with the installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of control systems
•Carrying out air sampling programmes
•Statutory Inspection & Testing of LEV systems and advice on design (P601 & P602)
•Qualitative and Quantitative Respirator Face Fit Testing to “Fit-2-Fit” standard
•Health surveillance (see Health Risk Assessment)
•Information, instruction and training

We have fully trained and competent occupational hygiene practitioners who have a great deal of experience in supporting companies with recognising, evaluating and controlling workplace chemical hazards.

Our sphere of operations is not just limited to the UK.

•We provide coverage in the Gulf Region including UAE, Qatar and Iraq as well as North & West Africa where the need is sometimes down at a very basic level. We are represented by an agent in these areas to utilise local knowledge
•Shipping at sea where our long-standing experience in the merchant marine environment allows us to apply principles of Occupational Hygiene to a very specific set of circumstances
•We provide also coverage in the Caspian Region including Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Russia itself, again through a local agent
•Occasional work in the far East has also come mainly through an agent although support to a client in the Philippines was secured and managed from the UK
•Mainland Europe, especially Scandinavia is somewhere we are very active and hoping to build further
•US market is one we have interest in through Audit and Verification as well as high level HRA support

DSE & Manual Handling

People who hear the word "ergonomics" automatically think about display screen equipment but it is so much more. It covers a range of human factor issues that does include DSE, but only as part of this subject area. Ergonomic risk management covers:

•The job: including areas such as the nature of the task, workload, the working environment, the design of displays and controls, and the role of procedures. Tasks should be designed in accordance with ergonomic principles to take account of both human limitations and strengths. This includes matching the job to the physical and the mental strengths and limitations of people. Mental aspects would include perceptual, attentional and decision making requirements
•The individual: including his/her competence, skills, personality, attitude, and risk perception. Individual characteristics influence behaviour in complex ways. Some characteristics such as personality are fixed; others such as skills and attitudes may be changed or enhanced
•The organisation: including work patterns, the culture of the workplace, resources, communications, leadership and so on. Such factors are often overlooked during the design of jobs but have a significant influence on individual and group behaviour

Our approach incorporates all the principles above when we look at Display Screen equipment, Office Workstations, Industrial Work stations & locations and all issues that can affect the wellbeing of the individual as follows:

•Understand and apply ergonomics principles for the creation of a safer, healthier and more efficient workplace
•Undertake ergonomic risk assessments
•Understand specific symptoms of work activities such as upper limb disorder, repetitive strain and carpal tunnel syndrome
•Identify appropriate risk reduction measures to reduce ergonomic risks
•Understand the causes of upper limb disorders, and know how to prevent them
•Apply ergonomics principles to the design of workplaces and design or selection of equipment
•Appreciate environmental aspects of good ergonomic design

We use all of these approaches when dealing with any aspect or ergonomics including manual handling risk assessments, work station assessment and display screen equipment risk assessments.

Noise and Vibration

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 require workplace assessments to be carried out and suitable controls identified and implemented. C-CHEC can provide you with suitably competent professionals who can provide expert assistance in all of these areas.

Our noise assessment surveys include:

•Noise survey mapping of sound pressure levels, peak noise and octave band
•Personal noise dosimetry
•Calculated noise dose by fractional exposure calculations
•Calculation of hearing protection suitability
•Advice on engineering control options
•Surveys conducted to various standards including BS 4142 & SEPA Reference H3

Hand/arm and whole body vibration have become hot topics in health and safety since the introduction of The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005. Failure to take account of vibration from hand tools or mobile plant and machinery in your company's risk assessment means that:

•Your company is failing to meet its legal obligations
•Your company may have serious future financial liabilities

We can help by providing whole body and hand/arm vibration risk assessments that include:

•Measurement of vibration magnitude in all three axes while applying dominant axis criteria for Whole Body
•Personal vibration dosimetry based on HSE spread sheet calculators
•Advice on engineering control options for HAVS (Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome) and WBV (Whole Body Vibration)

Material Testing & Water Chemistry

Laboratory Analysis, Legionella and Water Chemistry (including potable water, legionella, etc.)

We are linked to UKAS accredited laboratories to ensure the highest standard of quality and accuracy. You therefore have the peace of mind of knowing that samples are analysed by laboratories that meet stringent quality control and assurance standards. We can sample and carry out analyses of the following:

•Air samples (workplace or environmental atmospheric contaminants)
•Water samples (for pollution, potability and Legionella)
•Soil samples (pollution, samples from contaminated land surveys)

C-CHEC can also perform Legionella risk assessments and water management reviews (as required by HSE ACoP L8)

What the Law requires for Legionella & General Water Management:

•Risk Assessment of non-domestic water systems for all areas of risk
•Conducted by competent person; City & Guilds qualified in Legionella Risk Assessment & Water Management (such as C-CHEC personnel)
•Documented management system & improvement plan
•Nominated Responsible Person named and in place

Environmental Monitoring

Environmental Monitoring, emissions from stacks, waste management, etc.

C-CHEC has a considerable amount of expertise in the following environmental areas:

Stack emission monitoring for

•Particulate matter
•VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)
•Acid gases
•Metal fractions
•NOx (Nitrogen Oxides)
•SOx (Sulphur Oxides, SO2 and SO3)

Contaminated land surveying for development and planning purposes including

•Trial pits
•Core sampling

Noise and vibration assessed for their environmental impact.

•Statutory duty to assess noise and vibration under Environmental Protection Act
•To assess the level of noise nuisance

Respirator Face Fit Testing

HSE now require all tight-fitting respirators to be assessed for their fit on each wearer and for each model. C-CHEC can provide the testing necessary to ensure compliance and advise of gaps in Respiratory Protective Equipment selection and use. This includes:

•Qualitative fit testing involving the use of taste solution for fit assurance
•Quantitative using the proven portacount system for fit factor determination
•Facial hair and related management system reviews


Material and Task Assessment surveys, reassurance air sampling and certificates of rehabitation.

C-CHEC is associated with a laboratory that is fully UKAS accredited for asbestos fibre counting and bulk analysis. This allows us to provide a comprehensive asbestos management service in the following areas:

•Surveying for asbestos materials
•Task and material risk assessments
•Collation and management of asbestos registers
•Asbestos removal project management
•Bulk identification of asbestos materials
•Asbestos air clearance testing, background and reassurance testing
•Certificates of rehabitation through sister organization

Legionella & Water Management

Legionella bacteria are intracellular pathogens. When absorbed by protozoa/amoebae, they are able to prevent the internal enzyme breakdown. Alveolar macrophages are the primary defense against bacterial infection of the lungs and work in exactly the same way. The legionella bacteria can therefore multiply in the body's own defence before rupturing the host and spreading to other macrophages.

The primary route of infection is the inhalation of aerosols contaminated with legionella bacteria into the lungs.

C-CHEC can provide

•Full Legionella Risk Assessment strategy using C-CHEC's own practical scoring system
•Water management visits for water testing, shower head disinfection, etc.
•Annual audits looking at records for temperature, laboratory testing, dead-leg flushing (an area in a piping system where water can become stagnant), etc.

If you have water systems on your site, cold needs to be below 20oC and hot above 50oC. We will advise on how to measure and what the implication of deviations are.

Health Risk Assessment

A fully comprehensive Health Risk Assessment (HRA) strategy that recognizes the relationship between the working environment and health in all areas, chemical, physical & environmental.

The process has a number of distinct steps that C-CHEC can either conduct in full or support an existing process. These are:

•Initial HRA audit and gap analysis
•Development or review of comprehensive site Health Hazard Inventory
•Detailed employee task register of all tasks and activities on the site
•Health Hazard Inventory interaction review with task register
•Formalised and comprehensive HRA combining the last two items

C-CHEC is associated with a full Occupational Health Support service that employs fully qualified occupational health physicians and nurses. This means that, as part of our comprehensive package of services, we can arrange to provide your company with the following support:

•Pre-employment health screening
•Health surveillance (COSHH, Asbestos at Work, Noise at Work, Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome, etc.)
•Biological monitoring (e.g. as part of COSHH monitoring programme)
•Lung function
•Healthy lifestyle, wellness and well-being assessments

Training & Practical Guidance

C-CHEC has a range of highly qualified consultants who have considerable "hands-on" experience of the subjects in which they teach. We can provide you with a range of high quality, highly practical courses (including assessment by examination, where required) or on-site practical guidance sessions in the following subject areas:

•COSHH Risk Assessment
•COSHH Awareness
•COSHH Management
•Noise at Work Assessment
•Asbestos for Facilities Managers
•Hand-arm Vibration - Risk Assessment and Control

We have a range of other courses available and have the ability to create health, safety and environmental courses to exactly meet your company's requirements. Call or e-mail us to find out more.


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