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Welcome to Point Topic Ltd

The leading resource for worldwide broadband, IPTV and VoIP market intelligence.


Point Topic exists to provide the best broadband market intelligence for our customers to make the best decisions possible.

We believe that broadband for all (broadband everywhere) is one of the greatest contributions our generation can make to the world. When businesses, people and governments can access the internet and interact at broadband bandwidths it is to everyone’s benefit. Point Topic is proud of our small but important contribution to the current and future spread of broadband across the globe.

Since 1998 we have gathered, analysed and published information sets that are used across the industry and beyond as the foundation of reporting, planning and strategy. We strive to provide insight, context, sourcing and transparent reporting so our users can follow the data inputs through to the information outputs with confidence.

The best strategies are based on the best information. Point Topic provides the foundation for intelligent decision making worldwide.



Broadband and the services it supports has become part of life in the UK.  It is more important than ever to provide your customers, constituents and stakeholders with access to more bandwidth than ever before.  Demand is crystallising, suppliers are investing and there’s more opportunity to augment local supply.  Local Authorities across the UK successfully use our data already, ThinkPoint provides your window onto that data.

The UK government is firmly behind deployment of more of the latest technologies and while the focus is on ‘full fibre’ there are other operators and technologies that must be part of any planning or business case in your area. Understanding who is where and when is core to maximising bandwidth for your community.

The latest collaboration between Point Topic and thinkbroadband has resulted in a new product set, ThinkPoint.  Two of the most respected industry analysts and data specialists offer the most complete, up to date, granular and accurate representation of where broadband is today, from who, provided how and what the current and future picture of supply and adoption is. 

  • Current Datasets - The most up to date look available on the market. We bring our experience, depth of research and well established and proven process for pinpointing the broadband deployments across the UK today. With several million speed tests across the majority of the UK postcodes extending over more than a decade we have established the current and legacy footprints of the suppliers, technologies and bandwidths that all you to quickly access the information/data/input you need.
  • Forecasts - Our data and analysis is in use across the industry. We have provided the forecasts and rationale for the deployment decisions and competitive reactions of multiple operators. In combination with thinkbroadband and their daily updates on presence and tariffs we are able to compare, adjust and confirm our projections quickly using the most up to date information in the market.
  • Full Package - Combination of detailed current and historical analysis and forecasts. The data on where broadband is, in all it’s forms and flavours, where it will be and most crucially where it was, in detail, allows us access to the best training datasets in the industry for our models.
  • Practical Implementations – the LA story - Point Topic and thinkbroadband have a long track record of providing data, analysis and support to a range of clients. One sector that is particularly active today is national and local government. As broadband transitions to a utility and USO implementation in the UK approaches there is a strong drive to provide access and drive take-up for residential and business premises and services enabled by the bandwidth made available. Our understanding of historical projects, broadband supply and the tools available to support the spread of broadband is available to you in comprehensive form and granular detail.

Download the brochure today, contact us for more information or a call or a meeting and know that you will have access to the best information in the market today.







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