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Vocal Ltd

846, The Crescent
Colchester Business Park

Tel: +44 (0)1206 443100
Fax: +44 (0)870 7271791


As one of the world’s leading providers of resilient communication solutions including emergency notification, incident management, messaging and business continuity resources, Vocal has innovation led by attention to detail and customer care at the heart of its development.

Since being established in 1998, Vocal earned a reputation for its unfailing ability to provide public and private sector organisations across the world with ground-breaking software and bespoke solutions to help them converse easily, and be able to deliver critical communications to the right people, at the right time. Vocal’s multi-award winning iModus system offers a full range of powerful broadcast methods, providing full communications contingency. iModus allows the user to seamlessly manage communication, data, documents and plans securely online enabling instant, effective response to any situation with 100% uptime.

Vocal iModus solutions provide a commanding overview of events and incidents in a clear, concise way, giving users real-time information on the status and progression of incidents and tasks, allowing them to get swift results using SMS, email, page and voice messaging and get back to business as usual. Following an incident, Vocal’s solutions enable easy, paperless auditing and reporting.

Used widely by central and local governments and emergency services,  iModus has a lasting legacy as the emergency notification and incident management solution implemented by the Cross-Sector Safety Communications Project for the 2012 London Olympics and Paralympic Games. So it is not surprising that a large number of global organisations in more than 85 countries now rely on Vocal’s business continuity solutions as a key component of their critical plans, to provide a broader range of services and a wider global reach. 0800 035 0081 1-877-201-1213 

Specialties: Business Continuity, Emergency Notification, Emergency Planning, Mass Notification, Incident Management, Lone Worker, Value Added Services.



Emergency Notification – simple logic for swift results

When a crisis or incident hits, it is vital that key decision makers are able to get information through to their stakeholders immediately, from wherever they are. iModus offers a full range of powerful global broadcast methods providing reliable communications solutions that enable organisations to deal swiftly and efficiently with even the most  debilitating incident. Even in mass confusion, iModus will enable you to steadfastly provide information and direction, applying simple logic for swift results. Users can interact and respond pro-actively using SMS, email, page and voice messaging, even when an incident cannot be anticipated by traditional business continuity plans. Vocal’s emergency notification systems are tried and tested to bring calm communications to even the most chaotic situations.

Emergency Notification modules within iModus:

  • Messaging
  • Interact
  • Crisis Lines
  • Call Manager
  • Message Call
  • Safe Call
  • Capture Call
  • Dynamic Conference Call


Incident Management – a confident response through real time communications

When an incident occurs, having an immediate overview of events as they unfold is fundamental to being able to manage and respond effectively. Vocal’s Incident Management Suite is a real-time, software and web-based communications solution that helps ensure business continuity, and the security of people and property, even during the most challenging situations. Traditional lines of communications do not possess the resilience or reliability to effectively address the need for information and direction. Vocal has built a reputation on knowing how to effectively communicate in an emergency with anyone, anywhere, anytime across numerous platforms.

Incident Management provides a highly responsive modular communications system that can record, audit, store and exchange up-to-the-minute information seamlessly and reliably. Designated staff can control and monitor incidents, while key personnel can access on-going information on the status and progression of incidents and tasks.

Incident Management strives to revolutionise the way in which organisations record, share and retain information during an incident and allows users to respond pro-actively when an emergency requires innovative and spontaneous solutions that cannot be anticipated by traditional business continuity plans. This innovative solution will keep you informed as incidents progress, allowing you to respond confidently and effectively, protecting your employees, your premises and your organisation’s reputation.

Incident Management modules within iModus:

  • Incident Log
  • Incident Manager
  • Incident Workflow


Business Continuity – streamlined solutions that ensure business as usual

At Vocal, we make it our business to take a pro-active approach to the ever-changing challenges of the global marketplace, and provide the tools required to successfully manage even the most unexpected situations. That’s why Vocal’s specialist advice and highly resilient continuity tools give organisations the edge; by fully preparing them before an incident, enabling a pro-active response and a full audit of every action taken.

Working in partnership with Vocal, organisations can overcome the challenges presented by static documents with a simple, affordable tool that provides a dashboard overview of business continuity plan status, automated review dates and rigorous version controls. Messaging groups and business continuity plans can be organised to ensure that the correct information reaches employees, stakeholders, suppliers and the media separately. We look at every organisation as an individual and provide bespoke solutions that can be trusted to ensure business continuity in any event.

Business Continuity modules:

Plan Management

Plan Viewer

Plan Store

Additional supporting solutions:


Fixed Asset Management

Incident Management


Emergency Planning – be ready for the unexpected

Vocal is fully aware of the Civil Contingencies Act obligations placed on public sector agencies and, as such, has designed powerful innovatory software solutions that will help organisations meet their emergency planning challenges. Vocal’s Warn and Inform service is used by public and private sector organisations throughout the UK, enabling all major cities to warn and inform their constituents of any event that may impact on their safety.

We believe that our close affiliations with police forces, local authorities and essential service providers that sets us apart, and just one of the reasons why Vocal iModus was the communications system of choice for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.  Our Emergency Planning gives agencies, like The Cross-sector Safety and Security Communications project (CSSC), full control of message content and timing, helping them to distribute information and grow their subscriber base, ensuring their messages are delivered without having to rely solely on TV, radio or print media. Agencies can achieve a coordinated multi-agency response to events with support from their Vocal solution. Minimise the impact of unexpected challenges with Vocal’s range of emergency planning solutions.

Emergency Planning solutions within iModus:

Warn and Inform


Priority Alerts

Fixed Asset Management

Additional Support solutions:

Emergency Notification

Incident Management


Alerting Services – critical Information when you need it

The Priority Alert service is Vocal’s leading premium service, delivering real-time information on incidents direct from the Police control room. Priority Alert helps organisations to stay informed and improve their response to business impacting events by providing instant access to reliable information with the ability to share and cascade critical communications across multiple channels ensuring no single point for delivery failure.

When you subscribe to Priority Alerts, you will become part of a “trusted partner” community and have access to the only alert service that allows users to cascade vital information, and respond to reliable information, delivered as events unfold, direct from the Police control room.


Lone Worker – ensuring your duty of care wherever your employees are

Ensuring your duty of care to your employees has never been easier or more cost effective, thanks to Vocal’s impressive Lone Worker module.

Lone Worker gives you the reassurance that you have done everything possible to protect your staff, including those outreach and key workers who are often considered to be the most at risk or difficult to stay in contact with. Whilst ensuring duty of care, Lone Worker will help you protect your company reputation and ensure your organisations accountabilities. Working anywhere in the world, Lone Worker enables  ‘red’ alarms to be raised by individuals using an allocated button on a blackberry device when an individual is in a potentially dangerous situation. Further reassurance may be given via an ‘amber’ alert activated when going in to a potentially sensitive situation using a predetermined countdown timer.  The recipient of the alarm call can listen to the sender’s phone whilst also using iModus mapping and tracking technology to determine the sender’s location.

Additional lone worker support solutions:

iModus Locate


Value Added Services – we listen, we support, we provide solutions

With innovation led by attention to detail and customer care at the heart of Vocal, we strive to give Value added services to all our customers to ensure that iModus continues to meet and enhance our users’ expectations. Our working partnerships with the police and emergency services ensure that our finger is on the pulse of business continuity in ever-changing times. We listen, we support and we provide bespoke solutions to help our customers to converse easily and be able to deliver critical communications to the right people, at the right time.

Value added services include:

iModus Mail

iModus Activate

iModus Bureau

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Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide