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Hanya Partners Ltd 

Kemp House
152-160 City Road

T: +44 20 7118 9580
F: +44 20 7118 0657


Increased supplier results through improved collaboration
At Hanya Partners,  business results are our focus. We are experts in securing great results from supplier performance. 

Our Services

We have three core services designed to deliver high performance


Operating Model & Strategy

We have specialised skills and an enviable record in redesigning the key elements of business operating models. Our proven process helps you rapidly move through analysis, design, execution and the harvesting of benefits. Our deep experience in this area enables us to help you model your future in detail . This  accelerates deployment, whilst helping you manage execution risk.


Sourcing Strategy


Traditional sourcing approaches are not always appropriate in today’s business environment.  Using market leading vendor engagement and collaboration techniques, we offer innovative approaches to building sourcing strategies that will excite the marketplace and ensure client opportunities attract the best the market can offer.



Material Outsourcing Assurance

Given the regulatory scrutiny in material outsourcing arrangements in Financial Services, it is essential that you can demonstrate that you have effective controls in place to manage the performance and risks in your critical outsourcing.  Hanya can review your existing supplier management environment and provide a robust assessment of its effectiveness and identify improvement activities if required.


Strategic Supplier Management Healthcheck

Having effective oversight governance and processes in place is key to driving the performance and managing the risks from your strategic outsourcing arrangements. Hanya can review your existing supplier management environment and provide a robust assessment of its effectiveness and identify improvement activities if required.



Outsourcing Mobilisation

Getting the venture off on the right foot is crucial for future success. We have developed an intensive 3 – 5 day mobilisation process  where we work with all parties to produce the key artefacts: strategy, plans, governance and ways of working, but also build truly effective teams


Supplier Performance Improvement


Whether this be rescuing an ailing or failing relationship (turnaround), or transforming a sound relationship to an outstanding one (good to great), we are able to intervene, rapidly assess what needs to happen from both parties to transform things and work with them to accelerate improvement. Our consultants have deep operational expertise, people change management toolkits and a strong outcome focus that delivers results.


Business Benefits:

  1. ​Develop vision and collaboration agreement for the Ecosystem

  2. Create structures and approaches to underpin the ecosystem

  3. Monitor and align behaviours through an incentive mechanism

  4. Operates independently from any SIAM function

  5. Active management of the supplier ecosystem including internal teams

  6. Acceleration of value

  7. No expensive and time consuming investment in process/tools

  8. Independent and trusted to be impartial by suppliers 


Resource Augmentation

We believe that we are unique in that we combine deep expertise in behavioural change management with practical experience of delivering successful outsourced relationships. We have a pool of over 40 associates with extensive experience in this field. In addition to their specialist skills, all have delivered successful outsourcing programmes. These skills are frequently called upon by our clients to fill spot resourcing needs.

Procurement Service

Delivering great vendor selection outcomes that meet the client needs doesn’t happen by chance or by simply following a process.  If you don’t have sufficient internal capability, we offer a broad range of experience to help you get the most from the marketplace in an efficient and collaborative way,  driving up value and lowering risk across a range of market sectors and procurement categories.


Change Management

Having helped you define the particular areas in which you need to improve your supplier management performance, we work with you to enable your organisation to embed the recommended changes. This  Change Management service ensures the alignment of key stakeholders impacted as well as enabling the execution of your chosen strategy by all those involved.


Capability Improvement


We provide bespoke or standard solutions to enable our clients to build their own internal supplier management excellence. This takes three forms a) training modules around supplier management best practice b) on the job coaching and support for individuals and functions c) workshops focused on key topic areas. This builds a self-sufficiency of subject-matter expertise in your organisation.


Agile Leadership Development

Critical to any successful change intervention is the consistency and responsiveness of leadership in the organisation. One of our core offerings is around enabling ‘brilliant’ leadership team performance, including:

  • Building leadership into a high performing team
  • Improving decision making
  • Translating  strategy into action
  • Building capability
  • Enabling a results driven organisation

Our approach is supported by a range of bespoke and industry leading tools and methods.


Public Sector Outsourcing Improvement

What was the problem?

The early stages of the outsource had exposed some significant delivery deadline challenges and trust had begun to falter between the department and their supplier. With a very aggressive roll-out of service to multiple agencies in plan for the year ahead, it was critical to realign the joint venture team around priorities and any remedial actions required.

We got them working together rather than apart

The Hanya team implemented a short, intensive process to get the relationship back on track including: 


Joint sponsorship for the exercise between the government department and outsourcer


An interview programme with stakeholders generated key themes, culminating in a workshop


And the results..?

Real trust and actions emerged

Results secured:


Clear alignment between parties that had not existed before


Joint ownership of the plan going forward


Significantly increased openness to discuss difficult topics


Dismantling of parallel PMO and development of a new unified governance function.  



Some of the people we've helped

We've helped clients across sectors to assess and fix their relationship needs 



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