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12-18 Hoxton Street, London,  N1 6NG

t: +44 (0)20 7749 0900 e: w:

We are Stream

We help businesses engage their audiences and tell their story more effectively in times of growth or change. Check out our case studies for more information on how we helped our clients 


As a team of senior communications professionals, we offer a fresh perspective and an objective view of our clients’ business needs. Our primary aim is to help organisations get the foundations of branding, marketing and communications right in order to tell a compelling business story.

Branding: Branding is the unique set of reasons why a customer would seek you out or an employee might want to work for you rather than go to a competitor. Whether it is creating a new brand or refreshing an existing one, we take a traditional strategic approach. We make sure we understand the current internal and external perception, the market place and the desired perception from the start.

  • Insightful customer, company and market place research
  • Interactive analysis and feedback
  • Define a compelling brand story plus key messages
  • Identify the business position
  • Craft an engaging identity that works for the whole business
  • Ensure brand consistency across all touch points
  • Create templates and guidelines
  • Engage and educate employees

Marketing: By ‘marketing’, we mean identifying and engaging audiences with a multi-channel strategy tailored to their preferences and behaviours. This can be anything from a great social media campaign to hosting an international conference. Through our own experience, skills and a suite of partner agencies, we have the knowledge, creativity and capabilities to plan, create and execute engaging and effective marketing campaigns.

  • Establish success criteria
  • Insightful audience research
  • Creative concept development
  • Identify the appropriate channels
  • Craft an engaging campaign
  • Multi-channel roll-out
  • Monitor and adjust

Communications: Unlike many marketing agencies, Stream’s communication specialists have a PR background and a strong belief in the power of content. There is little point in being omnipresent across every channel if your content is poor or the channel is not right for your audience. We believe that your content should not only tell or sell, but is also communicated in a way that means your target audience will want to hear it, act on it and share it.

  • Establish success criteria
  • Insightful audience research
  • Define an actionable content strategy
  • Identify the appropriate channels
  • Craft engaging content
  • Distribute, monitor and adjust 
  • Monitor and adjust

How we can help

We help businesses engage their audiences and tell their story more effectively in times of growth or change. Our approach is insight driven and customer centric. We help our clients understand their audience’s needs and how best to communicate with them, from knowing who they are and how to present the business to navigating today’s multi-channel communications environment.

Launch your business 

Got a great idea for a brand? The finances in place? Not sure what to do next? We can help. Launching a new business can be a daunting task.  Not only do you need to get your product right, you need to tell people about it. You also need to make sure you are telling the right people and telling them something they want to hear. And finally, once they have heard about it, you need to create a consistent brand experience for them. Sound complicated? Don’t worry, that is why we are here.

  • Identify the target audience
  • Define the brand story
  • Create a business identity
  • Develop a marketing and communication strategy
  • Make marketing materials and channels
  • Take you brand to market
  • Measure success

Indentify your market

You’ve got customers and they are buying your products. But you don’t know who they are or why. Ultimately you want more of them! The key to increasing sales is to increase your customer base. The key to increasing your customer base is knowing who they are, where to find them and why they are buying you in the first place. We can help you…

  • Research Existing customers
  • Uncover customer needs
  • Exploer the customer experience
  • Define the perfect customer
  • Establish the perfect customer experience

Reach new audiences 

You have something new to say to a different audience or you want to fly the nest and speak to markets in far away lands. It is important that you have the right approach in place to make sure you don’t damage your current position whilst taking full advantage of your new one. Depending on your business goals, there are many ways we can help you through this time of growth and change.

  • Existing brand extension
  • Create a flanker brand
  • Translating your brand into another culture
  • Audience identification
  • Uncovering new customer needs
  • Digitising your brand and taking it mobile
  • Defining a new brand story

Increase engagement and loyalty

The best brand advocates are the people who already use your products and services. So how do we continue to engage with this audience and increase loyalty? Once we know what your customers like about you and how you could do even better, we can align your brand story with their expectations. Increasing loyalty is the key to retaining and growing your customer base.

  • Insightful customer research
  • Define a compelling brand story
  • Ensure brand consistency across all touch points
  • Optimise marketing and communication channels
  • Engange and educate employees

Grow your business 

Want to increase the size of your business? Of course you do. We know that the value of a business depends on consistently increasing revenue over time. While quick wins and fun campaigns might create a spike in revenue, we believe that businesses truly profit by having a long-term growth strategy. With a solid strategy in place, we can help you increase revenue in a variety of ways including:

  • Global expansion
  • Integrate an acquired busines
  • Sector leadership
  • Increase your customer base
  • Launch new products or services
  • Reach new audiences
  • Cultivate customer loyalty
  • Understand customer insights

Merge businesses 

Merging two businesses might make sense on the balance sheet. However, bringing together two cultures and personalities requires a lot of planning and communication. A merger is a time of uncertainty for internal and external audiences. It is important that any changes to the brand, company structure or products and services are well managed and communicated clearly.

  • Review the positioning and target audience of the new business
  • Explore the merging company cultures
  • Define the new brand story
  • Create or tweak the business identity
  • Launch the new brand externally and internally
  • Develop a marketing and communication strategy 
  • Optimise marketing materials and channels 
  • Engange audiences and cultivate loyalty
  • Boost employer and stakeholder engagement

Change market perception 

You have a great business but for some reason people just don’t see it the same way as you? You are not alone. The perception of a business can have a bigger impact on its growth than the products or services it sells. If your offer is good and your customer service spot on, it is just a matter of making sure that everyone knows about it. The best way to do this is to tell the brand story to the right people, in the right places.

  • Review the company positioning and targert audience
  • Refine the brand story
  • Tweak the business identity
  • Launch the brand externally and internally
  • Develop a marketing and comminication strategy 
  • Optimise marketing materials and channels
  • Engage audiences and cultivate loyalty
  • Boost awareness



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