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LUMA Business Consultants Limited

Woodclose House, Harrogate, UK

t: 07836 363070 e:

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading”

Who we are?

A team of experts with proven global experience operating within highly regulated sectors, diagnosing, designing, delivering all aspects of Change focused Learning & Development.

What we do

LUMA Business Consultants provides Change focused Learning and Development services, enabling managers and their teams to adapt to fast changes, including remote working, enabling employees to remain as engaged and productive as possible. Your sustainability is important for us, therefore we incorporate Talent Development in our solutions, to help you be prepared for the future. 

What makes our solutions effective for your organisation?

We are primarily a designer of bespoke blended change focused learning solutions, adapted to your environment.

We believe that organisations and businesses within your same sector will have identified similar challenges to yours, however the solution should be fitting and appropriate for your organisation or business.

Instead of delivering “off the shelf” courses, we design solutions that are based on your specific “employee journey”, leveraging organisational expertise to ensure we work throughout a business, from CEO to Front Line. Our approach and tools have huge success overcoming initial resistance to change, gaining acceptance, up-skilling and empowering people to cope and prosper in their ‘new world’. 

Why us

You’ll benefit from a global experience of understanding, analyzing, designing and delivering fully integrated blended learning solutions, produced in a cost and time efficient manner.

These solutions are supported by a tried and tested ‘Observation – Feedback – Coaching’ process, adapted to remote working, ensuring that what you receive is appropriate for  your need and is fully supported in the workplace.

A question that is asked by prospective clients of LUMA is…’Will the cost be significantly more expensive than an off the shelf package?’ The answer is No! And not only that but the solution will deliver better results in a more appropriate timescale.

Examples of what can we do for you

  • Bespoke Programmes incorporating the following:
    • Remote Working
      • Managing teams and individuals
      • Working with Distributed Teams
      • Supporting Individuals mental health and wellbeing
      • Keeping people engaged and productive
      • Maintaining stability through crises
      • Creation of scripts & videos for remote use
    • Coaching & Mentoring
    • Change Management
    • Leadership & People Management
    • Performance Management
    • Talent Development
      • Recruitment
      • Succession/Retention planning
      • Learning & Development

A sample of approach (case study relevant for your organization/business) can be sent by request.

We are only a phone call or email away from finding out how we can support you – so get in touch!

​t: 07836 363070 e:

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