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3 Spires Safety Professionals Ltd

T: 07925486453 E: W:

Welcome to 3SpiresSafetyProfessionals – Practical & Comprehensive Health & Safety Solutions

3SpiresSafety Professionals provide health and safety services and supply safety professionals to a range of different service sectors.

Based in the Midlands, United Kingdom 3Spires Safety Professionals offer a comprehensive offshore and onshore HSE consultancy to various market sectors such as public sector department & agencies, onshore commercial construction, the renewable energy sector, oil & gas, the marine sector, automotive industry and have been working across several countries in Europe and the Middle East over recent years.

Our health & safety professionals and consultants are highly qualified & can provide a full range of safety services formulating and delivering custom solutions such as audits, project HSE plans, HSE performance assessments, consulting, incident investigations, emergency response plans and more to help your business stay legally compliant and your workers safe and healthy.

Offering a fresh approach to a wide range of Health and Safety consultancy services and support spanning all industrial sectors, including a particular emphasis within onshore and offshore renewable energy. 3Spires Safety Professionals Ltd is able to advise on all matters relevant to the pre-construction and construction stages of a project; this includes all operational and risk aspects.

Our safety consultants are all chartered members of IOSH.

Health and Safety Services

Site Security To meet the growing demand for site security, we now provide a full CCTV monitoring service. Offering permanent or temporary monitoring solutions using the latest IP technology, our clients can now monitor their site, stock or premises from anywhere in the world. Our team have decades of experience installing systems into blue-chip companies, and you [...]

Heavy Lift Supervisors 3Spires Safety provide a division of heavy lift supervisors as a service to ensure clients there is a point of contact on site supervising lifting operations in line with approved lift plans. LOLER regulations 1998 specifically state that all lifting operations involving lifting equipment must be properly planned by a competent person, appropriately supervised, and [...]

Workplace Fire Risk Assessment If you are in control of any commercial property it is a legal obligation that a workplace fire risk assessment is carried out as to identify any fire risks or hazards the premises may harbour. 3Spires safety pride themselves on providing subject matter experts in fire safety advice. Our approach is to uncover hazards, ascertain [...]

CDM 2015 Advice CDM 2015 advice is something all companies venturing into notifiable projects will need to ascertain before planning can begin. At 3Spires Safety our team are well placed to support with CDM 2015 advice, we aim to first understand why CDM 2015 legislation directly affects you as a domestic or commercial client. It is our primary [...]

HSE Contractual Negotiations 3Spires Safety provide a niche service in the way of consistently being involved in HSE contractual negotiations for various project tenders and service contract negotiations with global leaders in renewables and wind power throughout the procurement phase. 3Spires Safety raise reservations throughout their HSE contractual negotiations for turbine supply agreements and service warranty agreements for [...]

Offshore & Onshore Safety Audits 3Spires Safety Professionals offer a meticulous and structured approach to offshore & onshore safety audits across various workplace environments such as commercial construction sites, onshore windfarms, offshore vessel audits, offshore wind farm audits, jack up rig audits, onshore component lay down areas, onshore storage facilities, onshore production lines and onshore power stations. Our attention to [...]

Workplace Accident & Incident Investigation Our organisation offer a conclusive and structured approach to any workplace accident & Incident Investigation, near miss, or dangerous occurrence investigation. Providing quality techniques that uncover causal factors, root cause analysis, and control and mitigation measures to prevent reoccurrences. Responsive and efficient in collating evidence, with attention to detail to produce a structured report following [...]

Health & Safety Policy Writing 3Spires deliver a specialised service for Health & Safety policy writing with a primary aim of a clear and incisive devotion to the company responsibilities, beliefs, aims, and objectives. 3Spires safety consultants ensure HSE policies can be easily communicated to internal and external company employees, covering a range of topics such as applicable HSE laws, [...]

Workplace Risk Assessments & Method Statements As an established alliance 3Spires provide workplace risk assessments & method statements as a service accross a plethora of industry sectors, ensuring that documentation is task specific, informative yet simple to read, highlighting existing hazards in the workplace, a step by step guide of how to complete the work safely, control measures, matrix score charts, [...]

OHSAS 18001 Auditors of Safety Management Systems We prioritise a comprehensive and thorough service for auditing safety management systems against the British standard 18001:2007. Our 18001 Auditors service provide a gap analysis that highlights areas of needed improvement for various businesses across multiple industries to implement the required framework for a robust OH&S management system. OHSAS 18001:2007 is the world's leading health [...]

Emergency Planning & Preparedness Our firm provide extensive experience in onshore and offshore Emergency Planning & Preparedness ensuring emergency response plans are user friendly and in line with applicable health, safety & environmental legislation. The initial actions taken in an emergency scenario can be pivotal to the preservation of life, minimizing property damage and curtailing environmental impacts. Pragmatic Emergency [...]

Health, Safety & Security Procedure Writing As a health, safety & security company dedicated to HSE distinction we offer a range of different health,safety & security procedure writing services that can be engineered to suit the needs of the customer yet remain legally compliant to the country of origin , be easily communicated to work place employees whilst ensuring so far [...]

Work Place Emergency Planning & Response TrainingHaving work place emergency planning & response training implemented at the work site is in the more developed countries of Europe a legal requirement as per relevant health and safety law. Additionally collating proof of emergency response training is also a requirement under laws, H&S regulations and recognised international HSE standards. The 3 main purposes [...]

Induction Training For Workplace Safety 3Spires Safety Professionals offer occupational health and safety induction training practically and via PowerPoint presentations for various industry sectors with the aim of ensuring the induction is site specific, visually stimulating, informative, and easily deliverable. 3Spires aim to capture all area's of critical HSE information in order to give client employee's the best possible  start [...]



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