back to listings SME Profile: Card Medic Limited
Oxford Centre for Innovation, New Road, Oxford, OX1 1BY T: 07500 048 764 | E: | W: |
About Us
At CardMedic, we are on a mission to make patient communication in healthcare more accessible and become a movement for change. At our core is an ethos of improving patient safety, experience and quality of care, and reducing health inequalities.
Inclusive Communication
We believe in making healthcare information accessible for all.
So we built a digital "One Stop Communication Shop" to empower staff and patients to communicate across any barrier.
Now we want to become a movement for change.
The Human Element
CardMedic is an innovative and multi award-winning website and app designed to improve communication between healthcare staff and patients, across any barrier – whether that’s visual, hearing or cognitive impairment, a language barrier, or PPE (personal protective equipment). CardMedic encompasses an A-Z collection of digital flashcards accessible via smart phone, tablet or desktop. Written by clinical experts, simply and succinctly, CardMedic replicates conversations around common healthcare topics with simple questions and explanations to guide the clinical interaction.
Reduce Health Inequalities Everyone has a right to understand healthcare information. |
Offer Patient-Centred Care Why do we do what we do? To better our patients' experiences. Simple. |
Enhance Quality of Care We want to empower staff and patients to overcome any communication barrier. |
Improve Patient Safety Our aim is to reduce critical incidents secondary to miscommunication. |
Design Inclusive Communication We are proud partners of Inclusive Fruit and Include - experts in inclusive content. |
Become A Movement For Change CardMedic Foundation actively seeks to contribute towards global health equality aligned with WHO Global Health Policy & UN Sustainable Development Goals. |