Big Lottery Fund
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£100 million National Lottery lift for charities and community groups making a difference this winter

Over £100 million of crucial National Lottery funding has gone to charities and community groups in England over the last three months, providing a huge boost to local grassroots projects as they continue to offer valuable support this winter to those in their communities.

This substantial investment, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK, has been awarded to nearly 2,500 community groups and projects across the country, enabling them to bring people together and provide the tools and support they need to better prosper and thrive.

Grants awarded range from £350 up to £500,000 and have been made in direct response to community needs, including for mental health support, improving employability skills, tackling issues of social isolation and loneliness, and offering vital support and advocacy for those at risk of experiencing homelessness through the cold winter months.

Projects funded here include a group that provide young people with new hands-on skills through upcycling in Scarborough, supporting mothers’ mental health in Greater Manchester after traumatic births, a homeless outreach service in Exeter, and a London-based children’s charity that aims to spread laughter and joy through professional performers.

Emma Corrigan, England Director at The National Lottery Community Fund, said: “Almost 2,500 charities and community groups will benefit from vital National Lottery funding this winter in England, and that’s all thanks to National Lottery players. We’re delighted to be able to distribute over £100 million to groups responding to their communities’ challenges and supporting them to prosper and thrive.”

Examples of projects funded in the last three months:

One of the groups to receive funding is Futureworks NY CIC in Scarborough, which is using over £285,000 to develop a workshop upcycling donated furniture, designed to build confidence in disadvantaged young people. Available to disadvantaged young people aged 16 years upwards, as well as unemployed adults, the project will see those involved use restoring old furniture as a tool to build skills and confidence to help them towards meaningful employment.

The funding will help the community organisation provide support and guidance to those who need it most, with an aim to reduce poor mental health including anxieties and isolation, especially for those living in areas of high deprivation.

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