Welsh Government
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AMs trumpet musical instrument amnesty

Ahead of a nationwide amnesty of musical instruments to use in Welsh schools, Cabinet Secretary Kirsty Williams today thanked Assembly Members for providing their “unused ukuleles or forgotten French horns” as part of a pilot (Fri 21st July).

The Welsh Government and National Assembly for Wales joined forces to ask  Assembly Members and all staff to bring in any unwanted musical instruments so they can be provided for use in Welsh schools, who are in need.

The pilot is ahead of a national musical instrument amnesty in November.

Llywydd Elin Jones and Cabinet Secretary for Education, Kirsty Williams both reaffirmed their commitment to ensure that all people across Wales are able to participate in and experience arts and culture, including music.

Kirsty Williams said:

“I am committed to the idea that if a child is inspired to pick up an instrument, whatever instrument it may be, that they have the ability to access one and develop their performance and playing skills.

“That is why I am delighted with the first Welsh Government and National Assembly for Wales Musical Instrument Amnesty. Whether it’s an unused ukulele or forgotten French horn, we want to help get these instruments into the hands of those young people who would give them a new lease of life.”

Presiding Officer Elin Jones AM said:

“I recently took part in a Ceredigion Schools Music Service orchestra for people who are learning an instrument for the first time; I played the maracas.

“Music is an important part of life; it lifts our mood, energises us and gives us a way to express ourselves, which is why it is crucial to overcome barriers to young people playing. Learning how to play an instrument can be a challenge, and having access to a good quality instrument is so important.”

The Welsh Government/National Assembly for Wales Musical Instrument Amnesty Week took place between 12-19 July.

The national amnesty will happen in November and will be coordinated through the Welsh Local Government Association. So if you can donate any good quality unwanted instruments you may have tucked away in your lofts and cupboards, then keep your eyes peeled for details.


Channel website: http://gov.wales

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