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Air pollution in London - IPPR response to launch of Mayor's consultation

Consultation a vital step in cleaning up London’s toxic air

Harry Quilter-Pinner, IPPR researcher on health, responding to the Mayor of London’s announcement of a new consultation on tackling air pollution in London, said:

“Our research shows that London is breaking both legal and World Health Organisation limits on air pollution and that the biggest cause of this is diesel vehicles.

“It shows that without a change in policy up to 9,400 people will die prematurely across capital every year, and London will remain above legal limits until 2025 and beyond.

“We welcome the launch of the formal consultation on additional regulation to address air pollution in the capital. The Mayor of London has taken a vital step in cleaning up London’s toxic air.”

1. IPPR published an interim report on air pollution in London in July, ahead of a full report to be published later this year. The interim report ‘Lethal and illegal: London’s air pollution crisis’ can be found here:

2. This map shows the effect of air pollution in London in 2025 without changes in policy:

3. IPPR aims to influence policy in the present and reinvent progressive politics in the future, and is dedicated to the better country that Britain can be through progressive policy and politics. With nearly 60 staff across four offices throughout the UK, IPPR is Britain’s only national think tank with a truly national presence.

Our independent research is wide ranging, it covers the economy, work, skills, transport, democracy, the environment, education, energy, migration and healthcare among many other areas.

Lethal and illegal: London’s air pollution crisis

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