National Ombudsmen
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Annual Report and Accounts demonstrates Local Government Ombudsman is ‘Equipped for the Future’

Local Government Ombudsman, Dr Jane Martin has issued her last annual report and accounts for her term in office, which ends in January 2017.

Entitled ‘Equipped for the Future’, Dr Martin reflects on the changes the organisation has undergone during her period in office and highlights the successes of the last 12 months.

Over the six years that Dr Martin has been in office the LGO has been transformed into a high-performing organisation that remedies individual injustice, helps to improve local services and provides greater value for the tax payer.

During 2015-16, the Ombudsman investigated 11,833 complaints and met its target of completing 99 per cent of investigations within 12 months. At the same time, the organisation has seen increasing levels of customer satisfaction and clear evidence that its decisions are having a positive impact on the delivery of local public services.

Dr Jane Martin, Local Government Ombudsman said:

“When I joined the LGO in January 2010 I could hardly have imagined the changes we would see by the end of my term of office seven years later.  We were granted statutory powers to investigate complaints about all registered social care providers, in effect becoming a social care ombudsman. We have transformed our investigation process, allowing us to resolve complaints more quickly and effectively, and publish all our decisions on-line.

“The transformation that the LGO has undergone over the last six years and the high performing environment that we sustain, places us in a strong position to meet the challenges that the future will bring.”

The Local Government Ombudsman is a Crown appointment, with a seven year term of office.

The Department for Communities and Local Government is currently undertaking the recruitment process for the next Ombudsman.


Equipped for the future: LGO Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16 (4.4MB)


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