Valuation Office Agency
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Avoid and report internet scams and phishing

Find out how to avoid scam emails and how to report fraudsters claiming to be from the VOA.

‘Phishing’ emails claim to be from a legitimate source and can look very realistic. In reality, they come from fraudsters looking to access personal information such as bank details or passwords. Fraudsters sending these emails out may claim to be from the VOA, usually offering council tax or business rates refunds.

The VOA will never send an email about refunds for business rates or council tax. If you receive an email that claims to be from the VOA offering you a refund, you should delete it immediately.

The VOA does not offer any kind of refund as we are not responsible for collecting council tax or business rates.

You can report misleading emails you think may be suspicious to Action Fraud. Don’t give out private information (such as bank details or passwords), download attachments or click on any links in emails if you’re not sure they’re genuine.

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