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Barnardo’s warning of impact of Health and Care Bill on young carers – LGA statement

Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Children and Young People Board, responded to a warning from Barnardo’s that the Government’s Health and Care Bill may mean more sick and disabled adults are discharged from hospital into the care of children 

 “Young carers do an amazing job but it is vital that they are not asked to provide a level of support that is detrimental to their wellbeing or is beyond their capability.

“If an adult is to be discharged from hospital into the care of a young person, it is important for everyone involved that an assessment takes place to ensure this is appropriate, and to check whether more formal support would be more suitable.

“Both adult and children’s social care services are under significant pressure. If we are to make sure that young carers get the support they need and do not have to take on excessive responsibilities, councils must receive the funding they need to provide these vital services.”

Barnardo's urges amendment to Health & Care Bill

Original article link: http://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/barnardos-warning-impact-health-and-care-bill-young-carers-lga-statement

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