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British Equestrian Federation Review Results Published

Independent Review finds breakdown between BEF leadership and member bodies

The British Equestrian Federation (BEF) has today published a report of the Independent Review into the relationship between it’s board, head office and member bodies - covering the period April 2016 to 13 October 2017.

The BEF board commissioned the review to understand and investigate the issues that former CEO, Clare Salmon, raised in July 2017. 

The review found that there had been a breakdown in relationships between the leadership of the BEF and member bodies and that this was not exclusive to the period under investigation.

It also discovered that many of the relationship problems had arisen from a lack of clarity about and acceptance of the role of the BEF. 

In relation to the key themes raised by the CEO on her resignation, certain actions during the period relevant to the review may be viewed objectively as bullying, elitism and arising from self-interest; but there was no evidence of corruption.

Read the full report.Open in a new window

The independent review panel recommended that all stakeholders should focus on the following key areas:

  • identification of the role and responsibilities of the BEF
  • establishing strong leadership to effect change
  • to maintain good governance, including the adoption of a Code of Conduct.

BEF Interim Chair Ed Warner said of the report: 

"It is now a priority for the BEF, which is under the leadership of both a new board of directors and executive management, to learn lessons from the past and ensure appropriate practices in future".

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