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CBI: Benefits of free trade must feed through to whole UK

The CBI has been taking part in the B7 Business Summit, the annual meeting of business groups from the G7 nations, in Rome.

Image of Benefits of free trade must feed through to whole UK

Josh Hardie, CBI Deputy Director-General, said:

“The UK is renowned the world over for our innovative, ambitious and international firms of all sizes, sectors and regions.

“The Government has made a robust case for open, fair and free trade with partners across the globe. Working with business, it must now ensure that the benefits of free trade really act as a catalyst for productivity, and feed through to every part of the UK. Business has its part to play too, to prove that it can properly deliver these benefits to employees, and communities in places which may feel they have not seen them.

“Following the triggering of Article 50, redefining our economic and trading links with Europe must be the top priority on both sides. Europe remains our largest trading partner, and the terms of our exit from the EU will help to shape what future trade deals look like, so business across Europe is committed to making a success of the negotiations.

“The B7 economies are heavily interwoven, but we can be more ambitious in deepening our trading ties, as well as those with markets right around the world. British businesses should be confident in forging new opportunities to grow, inside and outside the EU, building on our proud trading traditions and strong existing foundations.”


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