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CBI: "Improving workplace mental health in which people feel able to be their best is vital"

The CBI has responded to the Farmer-Stevenson review of mental health and employers.  

Matthew Percival, CBI Head of Employee Relations, said:

“Improving workplace mental health will help employees feel able to be their best at work.  It’s not just the right thing to do, it helps improves business performance too.

“The CBI welcomes the review’s business-facing recommendations, as employers need to treat mental health in the workplace with the same seriousness as physical health and safety. Firms know that it is an important issue but many do currently lack the knowledge or confidence to talk about it.

"With some companies leading the way, the report’s business-led approach, with steps to support businesses as well as employees, is the right one.”


Original article link: http://www.cbi.org.uk/news/improving-workplace-mental-health-in-which-people-feel-able-to-be-their-best-is-vital/

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