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CBI: Labour market flexibility vital for successful UK economy

Prior to full publication, the CBI has provided an initial reaction to the government's response to the Taylor Review of modern working practices. 

Labour market flexibility vital for successful UK economy

Neil Carberry, CBI Managing Director for People and Infrastructure, said:

“Matthew Taylor’s review rightly recognised that flexibility is vital to the UK’s successful labour market, which is a mainstay of our economy.

“Business agrees with the government that flexibility and fairness must go hand in hand, and it is right to review rules to ensure they are fit for the 21st century – this also forms a key part of the industrial strategy.

“Firms will be keen to play their part in promoting greater awareness of employee rights, such as shared parental leave and flexible working, which will improve diversity and, therefore, productivity.

“Similarly, responsible businesses back strong enforcement against the small number of firms whose poor practices tarnish the reputation of the vast majority that are a force for good.

“Business looks forward to working with the Government in the areas it has correctly identified for further careful consideration. It’s essential that changes to UK employment law promote entrepreneurship and maintain the flexibility that has created so many jobs.”

The CBI will update this statement after seeing the Government's full response. 


Original article link: http://www.cbi.org.uk/news/labour-market-flexibility-vital-for-successful-uk-economy/

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