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CBI Northern Ireland responds to the passing of the Stormont talks deadline

Angela McGowan, Director, CBI Northern Ireland, responds to the passing of the Stormont talks deadline

“The continued impasse over the Stormont talks is a set-back for both communities and businesses across Northern Ireland. We await the Secretary of State’s planned update on the next steps, but businesses feel increasingly frustrated at yet another looming period of prolonged economic inactivity and delays to crucial public funding decisions. Yesterday’s mass strikes also highlighted the need for local decision making to adequately fund public services. Every effort must now be made without further delay to find a breakthrough that will benefit society, maintain decent living standards, and allow the local economy to flourish.

“Politicians of all stripes need to focus on the issues that really matter to the people of Northern Ireland. Against a tough economic backdrop, we need everyone pulling in the same direction to build a competitive and prosperous economy the delivers jobs and opportunity for all.”

Original article link: https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/cbi-northern-ireland-responds-to-the-passing-of-the-stormont-talks-deadline/

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