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CBI President launches urgent appeal for assistance to India

CBI President yesterday launched an urgent appeal for assistance to India

Lord Karan Bilimoria, CBI President, yesterday said:

“In February, the sad total of Covid-related deaths in India had reduced to 100 per day – for a country of one point four billion people. Two months later, the situation has deteriorated significantly, becoming awful and even more tragic.

“There is a major crisis unfolding, and a huge requirement for all of us to tackle it. India faces a critical shortage of oxygen – that’s why we’re asking for help from the UK to provide oxygen cylinders, oxygen concentrators, oxygen manufacturing plants, and ventilators.

“But we also need help in procuring the drug Ramdesivir, which is so essential for acute cases in hospital. There is also a further requirement for PPE warehousing, transport, logistics and lateral flow testing devices.

“That’s why we’re asking for your help.

“CBI members have already rallied round and started to help with these items. It's been marvelous, and the generosity has been tremendous. The willingness to help has been immediate.

“Please get in touch if you can provide any of the items listed below. India needs help urgently. I thank you all for your support in advance."

The CBI is working the Indian High Commission and UK Government to identify companies that may be able to help address urgent shortages in India as the current wave of the COVID-19 has worsened.

If you can help, please contact businessheroes@cbi.org.uk.

The specific requirements include:

  • Ventilators and breathing apparatus
  • Empty, refillable Oxygen cylinders with 10 litres and 45 litres LMO capacity
  • ISO container to facilitate transport of liquid oxygen to deficient areas
  • Oxygen concentrators
  • In situ oxygen manufacturing plants for hospitals
  • Oxygen Generator plants
  • Bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP) machines
  • Medicines for Covid like Remdesivir and Favipiravir
  • PPE
  • Warehousing, transport & Logistics,

 We also welcome any other ways you might be able to support.


Original article link: https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/cbi-president-launches-urgent-appeal-for-assistance-to-india/

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