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CBI Wales responds to new Welsh Government covid strategy

CBI Wales recently (08 October 2021) responded to new Welsh Government covid strategy.

Ian Price, CBI Wales Director, recently said:

“The launch of the Coronavirus Control Plan: Autumn and Winter represents an important milestone in the journey to combat the virus in Wales. It allows the country to move into a phase of ‘living with the virus’ while remaining vigilant about the possibility for future infection rises throughout the colder months.

“After eighteen torrid months of restrictions, the business community will welcome the Welsh Government’s commitment to keeping the economy open. The Covid pass system should help restore business and consumer confidence as we approach the all-important festive trading period.

“Firms across Wales recognise that the battle against COVID-19 is far from won and will continue to keep important baseline measures in place to protect staff and customers alike.”


Original article link: https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/cbi-wales-responds-to-new-welsh-government-covid-strategy/

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