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CBI comments on latest labour market stats

Matthew Percival, CBI Director for People and Skills comments on latest labour market stats

Matthew Percival, CBI Director for People and Skills, said: 

"While there are tentative signs that more people are looking to get back into work, there are still very high vacancies and businesses are having difficulty to fill them.

“The upcoming Budget is the opportune moment for the Government to now make some real progress on the workforce shortages the economy is struggling with. That requires action on a number of fronts, including expanding childcare, updating the Shortage Occupations List and widening the scope of employer health support as a non-taxable benefit to prevent and treat some of the key drivers of long-term absence.

“And finally, by launching a two-year pilot of turning the failing Apprenticeship Levy into a more flexible Skills Challenge Fund businesses would be in a better position to help jobseekers of all ages learn new skills.”

Labour market overview, UK Statistical bulletins

Original article link: https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/cbi-comments-on-latest-labour-market-stats/

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