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CBI responds to PM speech on AI

CBI recently (26 October 2023) responded to PM speech on AI.

Benjamin Reid, CBI Technology & Innovation Director, recently said:

"We welcome the PM's speech this morning ahead of the global AI Safety Summit and his confirmation that the UK won’t “rush to regulate” AI. Addressing AI risks and benefits is a top concern for CBI members. UK business will value the PM putting the UK at the heart of international conversations on AI and firms look forward to seeing progress made towards the Summit’s objectives.

"Government must however balance the UK taking a global leadership role on 'frontier' challenges with support for immediate effective governance and adoption of AI, particularly when recent CBI analysis shows AI adoption could add £38bn to UK GVA by 2030. The AI Summit needs to be matched with equal vigour in implementing the AI Governance White Paper.

"The government is right to be ambitious in seeking for rank and file UK businesses to benefit indirectly from the Summit. This systemic benefit is important, but cross-economy support is required for the UK to fully reap the benefits of AI adoption safely and effectively."


Original article link: https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/cbi-responds-to-pm-speech-on-ai/

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