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CBI responds to calling of 2024 General Election

CBI recently (22 May 2024) responded to calling of 2024 General Election.

Rain Newton-Smith, CBI Chief Executive, recently said: 

“This General Election needs to be about how our political leaders will get the UK economy firing on all cylinders and deliver sustainable growth for the benefit of our society.

“Whoever forms our next government can’t tackle these momentous challenges alone – they will have to partner with business to harness the insights, innovation and optimism needed to deliver real and lasting change.

“Right now, too many businesses and households still face rising costs which delay investment decisions and dampen consumer spending.

“Our members want to see politicians having grown-up conversations about how we foster the investment we need to have a labour market which delivers higher living standards, to accelerate our transition to net zero and make the UK an attractive place to run and grow business. It’s critical that these issues that will affect the UK’s long-term growth prospects are reflected meaningfully in the debate over the next six weeks.”


Original article link: https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/cbi-responds-to-calling-of-2024-general-election/

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