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CBI responds to latest labour market statistics

CBI yesterday responded to latest labour market statistics.

Jennifer Beckwith, CBI Head of Employment, yesterday said:

“With employment up and unemployment down, the labour market is showing further signs of recovery.

“Yet, with vacancies at a record high, employers are concerned that staff shortages are stalling their ability to grow and support the country’s wider economic recovery.

“Recent changes to self-isolation mean that firms can at last continue to operate more normally, even if short-term absences remain a concern for sectors reliant on younger workers awaiting their second vaccine.

“A wider test and release scheme must be implemented so that self-isolation remains properly targeted at those who risk spreading the virus.

“Longer-term, business must continue to invest in the skills and automation that will underpin future growth. The government can also help by ensuring that the qualifications it funds include those in short supply and removing barriers hampering firms’ ability to recruit overseas workers.”


Original article link: https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/cbi-responds-to-latest-labour-market-statistics-3/

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