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CCW Statement: Ofwat launch customer-focused licence consultation

CCW is supportive of plans by Ofwat to introduce a customer-focused licence condition.  This would put enforceable obligations on water companies to provide the high standard of services that customers have a right to expect.

As part of the plans, CCW has worked alongside Ofwat to conduct research to ensure that customers’ views help shape the new licence condition.

Emma Clancy, Chief Executive of the Consumer Council for Water (CCW), said:

We welcome Ofwat’s plans to introduce a customer-focused licence condition. All customers have the right to expect a good level of service from their water company.  We believe the principles set out in the licence condition will provide greater clarity for companies on how they can provide excellent services, and ensure there is greater accountability for those that fall short.

 As the voice for water consumers, we have had an important part to play in helping to shape the principles set out in this licence condition, ensuring they reflect peoples’ views. Going forward, we will continue to play a vital role in monitoring company performance, identifying and highlighting issues that may be negatively impacting customers, and ensuring companies treat them fairly.

Ofwat seeks powers to drive higher standards in customer service across water sector

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