Welsh Government
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Call for evidence as review begins into role of Children’s Commissioner

Communities Minister, Jeff Cuthbert, is calling for everyone with an interest in children and young people to feed into an independent review of the role of Wales’ Children’s Commissioner.

Last month the Minister appointed Dr Mike Shooter, a leader in the field of children’s rights, psychiatry and children’s services, to lead this review. Activities linked to the review include a website with information and an online survey, face to face meetings, looking at international comparisons as well as direct engagement with a wide range of children and young people.

Wales was the first country in the UK to establish a Children’s Commissioner in 2001 and since then all other parts of the UK have followed suit.

Minister Jeff Cuthbert said:

“The Welsh Government wants to make sure that the role of Children’s Commissioner for Wales is as effective as possible.  This means looking at what is working well and how things can be improved.”

The remit of the review will focus on six key areas:

  • The role and functions of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales;
  • Impact of the role;
  • Review of legislation; and
  • Governance and accountability;
  • Value for money; and
  • Accessibility

Dr Shooter said:

“I urge all those interested to feed into the review - professionals, parents and carers alike. I would like to meet and hear from as many people as possible so that I am able to produce a comprehensive report with valuable recommendations for the Welsh Government to consider. It is also my top priority to ensure that as many children and young people as possible participate in this review.

“The Children’s Commissioner for Wales stands out as one of the most noteworthy developments of devolution. I look forward to playing my part in furthering the commitment to children’s rights in Wales.”

The consultation period will be open until 3 October and Dr Shooter is expected to report back to the Minister with his findings in December 2014.

Channel website: http://gov.wales

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