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Caroline Rainbird departs FSCS

FSCS announces that its Chief Executive Officer Caroline Rainbird has left FSCS today. Fiona Kidy, Chief Financial Officer, has agreed to step up to lead the organisation while we start the search for a successor.

Marshall Bailey, Chair of FSCS, yesterday said:

“We are thankful for the progress that FSCS has made since 2019. Caroline has led the organisation through a series of considerable external challenges, while ensuring that it continues to deliver an excellent service for customers. She has also helped to develop a stronger understanding of our role in building confidence in the financial services industry. We wish Caroline every success in the future.”

Caroline Rainbird yesterday said:

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working at FSCS.  FSCS has a great team of people doing very important work, and I would like to wish them and the Board every success for this next step in their journey.”

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Notes to editors

  • About FSCS

FSCS is the UK's financial compensation scheme that protects customers of authorised financial services firms if they fail or have stopped trading. FSCS protects:

  • Banks, building societies and credit unions
  • Investments
  • Pensions
  • PPI
  • Debt management
  • Endowments
  • Mortgage advice
  • Insurance
  • Funeral plans

FSCS is independent and can pay compensation if an authorised firm fails and is unable to pay back money it owes its customers. FSCS’s service is completely free to use and is funded by a levy on firms authorised by the PRA/FCA. To find out more visit www.fscs.org.uk.   


Channel website: https://www.fscs.org.uk/

Original article link: https://www.fscs.org.uk/media/press/

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