Homeless Link
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Do you provide support or supported housing in England? MHCLG survey callout.

Do you provide support or supported housing in England? We are encouraging members to participate to ensure that the Government gains a full picture of the challenges faced by the supported housing sector and fully recognises its role in ending homelessness.

Homeless Link and our members were pleased with last year’s announcement from the Government that the rental element of short term supported accommodation is to be retained within the benefits system.  Since then, we have worked with officials on plans for the oversight and transparency of the supported housing system.  We have also highlighted that there is a need to look at the funding of the support element, alongside the rental costs.

To this end, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)  are carrying out research on housing-related support and published a questionnaire survey on 14 August 2019. This has been shared with landlords, support providers and local authorities to gather evidence on the commissioning and the provision of support services for people living in supported and sheltered housing, and people accessing floating support provided in the wider community – many of whom may have experienced homelessness in one form or another. The aim of the research is for MHCLG to understand the gaps that exist and to identify the ways that different types of housing related support are currently funded.

IFF Research are conducting the research on behalf of MHCLG, who are keen to reach as wide a range of housing related support providers as possible. Providers taking part so far have been selected from the Housing Regulator’s SDR database, and Homeless Link listings, but the survey is also open to others not listed on these.

We encourage our members who provide support or supported housing in England to participate before 18th September 2019 in order to ensure that the Government gains a full picture of the challenges faced by the supported housing sector and fully recognises its role in ending homelessness.

If you haven’t received an invite, you can contact IFF Research at supportedhousingstudy@iffresearch.com.


Channel website: http://www.homelesslink.org.uk

Original article link: https://www.homeless.org.uk/connect/blogs/2019/sep/11/do-you-provide-support-or-supported-housing-in-england-mhclg-survey

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