Welsh Government
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Energy Efficiency efforts boosted by Welsh Government

A new Energy Efficiency strategy that will play a major role in driving economic growth, tackling fuel poverty and improving energy efficiency was launched yesterday by Natural Resources Minister Carl Sargeant.

The new strategy sets out a clear direction for the next 10 years and outlines how we can support action across all sectors

Launching the strategy Carl Sargeant said:

“Energy efficiency offers a considerable opportunity to deliver green growth, through new jobs, skills and a flourishing supply chain.  It is the most cost-effective means of meeting our commitments to reduce carbon emissions while lowering energy charges to businesses and for the public sector, and it directly addresses fuel poverty by reducing the cost of heating the homes of vulnerable people.

“Wales has led the way in successfully delivering a vision for energy efficiency that will deliver multiple benefits across the goals set out in our Well-being of Future Generations Act, reducing energy use and carbon emissions, creating jobs and tackling poverty and its ill effects on a number of fronts.  

“The energy market is undergoing major transformation both within Wales and further afield. Ensuring that all sectors, households, businesses and our public sector use less energy is fundamental in our ability to respond to these changes.

“The strategy acknowledges that different approaches are appropriate for different groups and seeks to ensure that a range of financial support mechanisms are available.

“This strategy sets out the actions that we all need to pursue to deliver real benefits for our society, our economy and our environment. It is critical for the long term well-being of people in Wales, and will confirm Wales as a beacon of best practice in sustainable development.”

Supporting the launch of the energy efficiency strategy, the Finance Minister Jane Hutt has announced the creation of a new Invest to Save Green Growth Fund with over £9m being invested in projects to help reduce carbon emissions.

The new national initiative will build on the success of the Invest to Save scheme and offer repayable grants for the Welsh public sector to generate energy and cash efficiencies.

The following projects will benefit from the new £9m investment through the Invest to Save Green Growth Fund:

  • £2.7 million for the installation of LED street lighting in Monmouth County Council, Gwynedd Council and Wrexham Council;
  • £333,000 for Natural Resources Wales for the implementation of various energy efficiency measures;
  • £4 million for the installation of LED lighting on sections of the Welsh Government trunk road network; and
  • £2.1 million to support energy efficiency projects across various Cardiff City Council premises.​

These new projects, along with previous Invest to Save projects, amount to investment of £13 million in energy efficiency projects over the last twelve months. This investment will generate annual cash releasing savings of £2.4 million and reduce carbon emissions by over 8,000 tonnes per annum.

Finance Minister said:

“I am delighted to announce a new Invest to Save Green Growth Fund with over £9m for projects to support the Welsh public sector meet targets for reducing carbon emissions.  Building on the success of the Invest to Save scheme, this new national initiative is a win-win situation for the Welsh public sector – reduced carbon emissions coupled with cash efficiency savings.”

Channel website: http://gov.wales

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