Food Standards Agency
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FSA Chief Scientific Adviser announces independent reviewers for Scientific Advisory Committees Review

Professor Robin May, Chief Scientific Adviser for the Food Standards Agency (FSA), has today announced the appointment of the independent reviewers for two of the agency's independent Scientific Advisory Committees (SACs).

Professor Sir Charles Godfray is the Director of the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford. He has been appointed to lead the FSA’s Deep Review of the Science Council and Advisory Committee on Social Science (ACSS).

Professor Annette Boaz, a Professor in Health and Social Care Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, will be supporting Professor Godfray as part of the review team.

‘Our Scientific Advisory Committees play a vital role in helping the FSA ensure food is safe to eat and high standards of consumer protection are maintained. We rely on their in-depth knowledge that gives us assurance that we’re using the right science, drawn from the right sources. This review will help us to ensure our independent committees remain efficient, transparent and are continuing to deliver robust outputs that help protect consumers. 

‘I’m delighted that Professor Godfray and Professor Boaz have agreed to be part of the review team and look forward to seeing their recommendations in due course.’

Professor Robin May, Chief Scientific Adviser, Food Standards Agency

Professor Godfray is a population biologist with research interests in the environmental sciences, including ecology, epidemiology and evolutionary biology. He is also the director of the Oxford Programme on the Future of Food.

Professor Boaz will bring her expertise in social science and policy to the review. She has been recognised for her work in how social science research can be both useful and useable in policy and practice.

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