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Fire minimum service levels “a flagrant attack on the right to strike” - TUC

Conservatives announce fire minimum service level regulations

Commenting on the government announcing minimum service level regulations in fire, TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak recently said:  

“This is a flagrant attack on the right to strike of firefighters. 

“No one should be sacked for exercising their right to strike. But that is exactly what the government is threatening.  

“These new laws are undemocratic, unworkable and are likely illegal. And they will do nothing to resolve industrial disputes.  

“The Conservatives know this but they are desperate to distract from their dire record in government. 

“Our message to government is loud and clear. We will fight these draconian laws all the way – working with the FBU and every other union affected. And we won't rest until these laws are off the statute book.” 


Original article link: https://www.tuc.org.uk/news/fire-minimum-service-levels-flagrant-attack-right-strike-tuc

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