Welsh Government
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First Non-Executive Board for Creative Wales announced

Deputy Minister for Culture Sport and Tourism, Lord Elis-Thomas has announced the appointment of the Chair and Members of the first Non-Executive Board for Creative Wales.

Creative Wales was set up in January to drive the growth of the creative industries in Wales.

Catryn Ramasut has been appointed as chair of the board. As an entrepreneurial media practitioner, Catryn Ramasut’s career has spanned more than 20 years in radio, television, print, music management and advertising, both domestically and internationally.  

Since returning to her hometown of Cardiff in 2010 she has established an award-winning production company, ie ie productions.  

Speaking of her appointment, she yesterday said:

I am more eager than ever to dedicate my time and energy to ensure a more buoyant creative industry in Wales that is diverse and inclusive by design.

The appointed Board Members are; Dr David Banner MBE; Garffild Lloyd Lewis; Helgard Krause; Siân Gale; Richie Turner and Phil Henfrey.

In confirming the appointments, the Deputy Minister, yesterday said:

I’m delighted with the talent, experience and diversity we have on our first Non-Executive Board for Creative Wales, and we look forward to working with them to develop this sector further.

Our aim is to work on the existing successes in the screen industry and build on these to drive growth across the whole creative sector; developing a skills base that is world class, expanding support beyond film and TV and positioning Wales as the place to locate a creative business.

The Board met for the first time on Friday 6 November, the chair and members will serve for three years.


Channel website: http://gov.wales

Original article link: https://gov.wales/first-non-executive-board-creative-wales-announced

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