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Homeless Link signs joint letter calling for greater energy support for charities

Homeless Link has signed a letter together with NCVO, Hospice UK, Age UK and Women's Aid Federation England, calling on the Government to introduce increased support for charities struggling to pay inflated energy bill.

The letter below was first published in the Financial Times.

Dear Sir

The escalating energy crisis is significantly impacting charities and their communities. The government's current energy bill relief scheme has provided vital support. From March, this support is set to be significantly cut, forcing charities to make difficult decisions about their services and future.

The new high energy use scheme excludes charities such as hospices, social care, community leisure, women’s refuges, and homelessness services. These providers cannot reduce their high energy use without compromising their services and users’ safety; and unlike businesses, they cannot pass on these costs.

Charities save lives. For every charity forced to cut back on its services there are people losing that lifeline. 

We need a long-term solution and an urgent review of the new high energy use discount scheme.

Energy companies must prove their commitment to people and communities by meeting with charities and government to get a grip on this crisis. There are some big winners in the energy sector this winter, but charities, and the communities they serve, are left in the cold.

Yours faithfully,

Sarah Vibert

Rick Henderson
CEO, Homeless Link

Toby Porter
CEO, Hospice UK

Caroline Abrahams
Charity Director, Age UK

Farah Nazeer
Chief Executive, Women’s Aid Federation England

Channel website: http://www.homelesslink.org.uk

Original article link: https://homeless.org.uk/news/homeless-link-signs-joint-letter-calling-for-greater-energy-support-for-charities/

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