Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC - formerly IPCC)
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IOPC investigating stop and search incident in Lewisham

The IOPC has begun an investigation into how two brothers were treated during a stop and search by Metropolitan Police (MPS) officers in south London on 27 February.

Shortly after 7:20pm officers on patrol conducted a stop on two brothers and their vehicle outside a Caribbean takeaway on Deptford High Street. They were searched by officers who claim to have suspected an exchange of drugs. During the search both brothers were restrained. No drugs were found during the search.

The brothers’ lawyer filed a formal complaint to the MPS, asking the matter to be referred to the IOPC.  The MPS ultimately referred the complaint to us, having conducted an internal review due to social media coverage of the incident. Due to community concerns over the incident, and the wider public interest concerning the MPS current use of over stop and search in general, we have decided the incident merits an independent investigation.

The complainants allege that the officers did not have reasonable grounds to stop and search them and that the decision was taken because of racial stereotyping as the brothers are black and were standing outside a Caribbean takeaway. They have also alleged that the officers have abused their authority by using unnecessary and gratuitous force.

IOPC Regional Director for London Jonathan Green said:

“This incident took place in public view and was filmed by one of the brothers concerned. It has been viewed over 200,000 times on social media and is clearly of concern to the complainants and to the wider local community.

“To uphold public confidence in the police complaints system we will now be investigating the use of stop and search tactics in this incident and whether the actions of those officers were appropriate and proportionate and followed approved police policies.”


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