Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC - formerly IPCC)
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IOPC response following the inquest into the death of Mark Needham in Northumbria

The inquest into the death of a man who died in Northumbria Police custody concluded yesterday (21 November 2019), with the jury recording a narrative conclusion.

Mark Needham, aged 52, was arrested on the morning of 23 July 2015. He was taken to Forth Banks police station in Newcastle-upon-Tyne where he died shortly after 4pm.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)* investigation, completed in May 2017, found evidence to indicate gross misconduct and misconduct in the actions of a number of police officers and staff who came into contact with Mr Needham that day.

Northumbria Police agreed with our findings and between September and November 2018 they held misconduct hearings for a sergeant and five detention officers. A police independent disciplinary panel found:

Gross misconduct proven for a detention officer who received a final written warning.

Gross misconduct proven for two detention officers who each received a written warning.

Misconduct proven for two detention officers; one received a written warning and the other a verbal warning.

The case against the sergeant was found not proven.

In May 2019, a gross misconduct hearing – led by a police independent disciplinary panel – for another sergeant, Claire Hunter, took place regarding her actions during Mr Needham’s detention. One allegation of gross misconduct – concerning a lack of urgency in ensuring Mr Needham’s safety – was proven, and she received a written warning.

In June 2019 a gross misconduct hearing – led by a police independent disciplinary panel – for a third sergeant took place regarding his actions during Mr Needham’s detention. The case against him was found not proven.

We referred our evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service after completing our investigation, who made the decision not to bring criminal charges in February 2018.

IOPC Interim Regional Director David Ford yesterday said:

“The passage of time has, understandably, done little to lessen the impact of Mark Needham’s tragic death. Our thoughts remain with his family, those who knew him, and everyone who has been affected by this.

“Our investigation, the subsequent independent misconduct hearings, and the inquest proceedings gave a clear insight as to what happened that day. The actions of some of the officers and staff involved fell well below the standard expected.

“While the vast majority of police officers and staff uphold the highest professional standards, in this case, more could and should have been done.”

*Prior to January 2018, this investigation was led by the Independent Police Complaints Commissions (IPCC)


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